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WTF spider is this?


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One of the things I absolutely hate about spiders is female spiders. Why? They are generally larger. Ever step on a spider, and have tons of baby spiders run out of? Disgusting shit.


Yes. There was a huge wolf spider (they get bigger than your palm in Texas) with babies covering her body. (THe wolf spider carries it's eggsac and then cares for the babies for a short bit.) I don't know what I was thinking, but I tried to get it out of the kitchen and little babies scattered everywhere. I had to practically mop my floor with bug killer.


This oughta give you the willies...



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Yes. There was a huge wolf spider (they get bigger than your palm in Texas) with babies covering her body. (THe wolf spider carries it's eggsac and then cares for the babies for a short bit.) I don't know what I was thinking, but I tried to get it out of the kitchen and little babies scattered everywhere. I had to practically mop my floor with bug killer.


This oughta give you the willies...




thanks for the nightmare tonight asshole

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Kite Spider - Gasteracantha cancriformis

There are many, many varieties, ie; shapes, colors, etc. of this specie. All incredible looking.



Not freaky, but beautiful. I've owned one of these, but it died before it was quite full-grown. It split during a molt. It is a Cobalt Blue Tarantula.




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Not freaky, but beautiful. I've owned one of these, but it died before it was quite full-grown. It split during a molt. It is a Cobalt Blue Tarantula.



this is actually pretty fucking cool for a spider. I could still never own or go near one.

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