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Moving Again !!!! Lol


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With the economy the way it is now .....Err has been for a while. Ive made the decision to move the shop to my 4000sqft building at my house. From there I will be able to cut ALOT of overhead. This means that I can pass that savings on to you!!!


I have noticed that with the retail side of the shop getting bigger and bigger and the shop it self getting busier and busier that we have been loosing some of the personal attention that I pride my business on. I don't like that one bit so from or now location in Delaware we will be able to get back to our roots. I want to be able for us to be a shop for the enthusiast by the enthusiast... Just like when I opened the doors back in 2004. We will still offer all of the same services just at a better cost to you the customer... The reason we are here in the first place!


I hope to be able to have more parts in stock now. As well as have faster turn around times too. We will also be doing a lot more general repair on ANY make or model car/truck/SUV.. so not just your subies and mitsu's :cam:


I will have almost 1000sqft of JUST FAB area so we will be concentrating more on that as well. We want to be a 100% one stop shop. I want you to be able to come in and get what you need all in one place!! So if you need a maintenance on your dodge van and a turbo upgrade on your STI you can still come to the same place! We want to be the place that you trust enough to send your mother to.


To sum it all up... I don't feel that where we are at now is letting me run my shop the way I feel it needs to be run. I want to be able to give everybody the time and attention they need to make the right decisions to help them reach there goals with there vehicle. I'm not in this business to be a big corporation, I'm in it to help others have fun and love there cars as much as I do.


CR has been great to me over the years and I'm just trying to return the favor... Thank you guys/gals very much!



On a side note i do have an almost 2 acre yard that I would like to have meets at 3 or 4 time a year minimum so MODS let me know...


AND..... The phones are not working right now at the shop so please feel free to call me on my Cell 614-323-1443... Just please leave a message if I don't answer.. or as always you can reach me via email @ bryon@meadengineering.com



Bryon Meade

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