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I'm talking this century.

ok, so you're saying the muslim terrorist acts will be equally forgettable? BTW, there have been christian motivate massacres and exterminations in the last century'ish.


Islam has been around longer than Christianity,

No, you're about 600 years off.


but the true serious ones want to come over here just to kill you and your family in the name of Allah.

Like a crusade or some such nonsense?

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I don't see ay Muslim organizations going arund the world to help any. I don't see any freedoms in Muslim society like we have here. Remember where our country was based from. Now that we've steered clear of that, look at what we're in now. Godless society acheives nothing. So keep on the crusades, 9/11 directly affected the US in present day. We all know who wason board.
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I don't see ay Muslim organizations going arund the world to help any.

You're not looking. They don't get a hell of allot of support, and those that tend to side with us in militarily active areas tend to get their heads sawed off.

Hezbolah does allot of humanitarian work, when they're not lobbing missiles at Israel. People on the ground noticed. It's that whole "hearts and minds" shit, they've been playing that game for years.


I don't see any freedoms in Muslim society like we have here.

And you didn't see them in old Christian Society, either. Fundamentalists are fundamentalists, and they oppress in pretty much the same way no matter who they worship.

Remember where our country was based from. Now that we've steered clear of that, look at what we're in now.

We're more free now than we were in 1908, by allot. You like freedom, right?

Godless society acheives nothing.

All of histories greatest achievements have been made in SPITE of religious intervention, not because of it!


"Well how come non-Christians didn't invent blah blah..." How do we know they didn't? The greatest library that mankind had ever created was set on fire by Christian hordes. Countless works of mankind's greatest ancient minds were destroyed by the church because they were threatening. The library of Alexandria took a few blows throughout history, but it was only Christians and Muslims who deliberately destroyed its heathen works.

So you've got that in common. ;)


9/11 directly affected the US in present day. We all know who wason board.
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I don't see ay Muslim organizations going arund the world to help any. I don't see any freedoms in Muslim society like we have here. Remember where our country was based from. Now that we've steered clear of that, look at what we're in now. Godless society acheives nothing. So keep on the crusades, 9/11 directly affected the US in present day. We all know who wason board.


Muslims do a ton of locally based mission/charity within their own communities. Though I agree for the most part that Islam is by todays modern standards the worst of the "big 3", if you will. However, christians have done, and will continue to commit acts of "terrorism" all their own. Anytime someone truly believes that they're "gods special little guys/gals", and that nonbelievers don't qualify as people, you have yourself a very dangerous person indeed. This is regardless of the faith involved, its a basic self-declared sense of elitism. I believe "x" and you do not, therefore you are useless/worthless.


Your comment about a "godless" society saddens me, and reinforces my previous statement. I would much prefer a society free from the division of organized (militarized) religion. It is true that many of our laws seem to mimic some of the 10 commandments (well the ones that aren't completely moronic, go ahead read em again) but most modern societies stress similar belief systems without the help of the bible. Loving your family, not killing your neighbors, not stealing, these are all things that most modern (and even basic, tribal) societies tend to believe. Its the same basic herding/social response we see in most animal groups. Surivial through cooperation.

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I like Religious debates, no hard feelings in ay of this.

On topic:

You're bringin up things that happened long ago. Granted, some things in the name of Christianity still exist, no debate on that. What my point is, is that the Crusades were hundreds of years ago. A rock was a weapon in those days, not to mention crude medical practices, and what we would call a warped frame of mind. But it's quite funny some of these Muslim societies still live by ancient laws, that in most eyes are quite crude and strict. Guess we can go in circles on this, but from the looks of things Christians aren't practicing "Holy Wars" on anything. It would be small pockets, but in comparison to large groups like in Muslim communities in the Middle East. Trust me when I say they hate you for being American, white and non-muslim.


My point be done, and for the record I actually am not a practicing Catholic, I just believe in the Big Man upstairs and His Son. There are somethings that can't be answered, and there's my huge reason behind my faith.


Merry Christmas and bah fuckin hum bug!

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What I meant by a "Godless" society is that America has gone away from it's traditional Christian roots and values. Today Americans only care about their pocessions, money, and how to get more quickly. No longer do businesses close on Sunday very often, patience is not a vurtue, and political correctness is the rule. People get their panties in a bunch for a Nativity scene on a State lawn. If you don't lik it, don't look. It pisses me off people don't wanna say God anymore and that they want to change the Pledge of Allegance. There is a line of too fuckin far. And I do think it is wrong to push beliefs on someone. Beliefs are individual and they vary, that's why it's so great to be an American. For in other countries past like say Afghanistan, you're forced to their beliefs and nothing else.


I post this from a bar, beer helps my thoughts :nod:

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The "under god" part of the pledge of allegiance was not originally in it when it was written.


So that line was already crossed.

Honestly I couldn't prove you wrong, so I'll believe ya. I don't understand why people are all of a sudden getting so PC and pissy about "under God" or any statement of the like. Ohhhh well, time for Christmas boobs!

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Nothing to prove really, President Eisenhower, 1954. Ironically enough, placed before the word 'indivisible'. This was not the first time the 'Pledge' had been altered. The original was quite short and 'to-the-point'. Christian fundementalists in the 50's were disturbed by the Pledge's lack of reference to a spiritual deity. So they campaigned many years in attempt to add their religious reference. Those attempts failed several times before Eisenhower signed the changes into order.


Someone NWS this thread and lets see some ta-tas.

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What I meant by a "Godless" society is that America has gone away from it's traditional Christian roots and values. Today Americans only care about their pocessions, money, and how to get more quickly. No longer do businesses close on Sunday very often, patience is not a vurtue, and political correctness is the rule. People get their panties in a bunch for a Nativity scene on a State lawn. If you don't lik it, don't look. It pisses me off people don't wanna say God anymore and that they want to change the Pledge of Allegance. There is a line of too fuckin far. And I do think it is wrong to push beliefs on someone. Beliefs are individual and they vary, that's why it's so great to be an American. For in other countries past like say Afghanistan, you're forced to their beliefs and nothing else.


I post this from a bar, beer helps my thoughts :nod:


America was not originally rooted in Christianity. Or, however I need to word it. :p If anything, we're getting back to our roots of religious freedom and the right to choose. And no, Christians may not be jihading people, but that doesn't mean they don't abuse, repress, sway, lie, control, blackmail, and subjucate. Not just in the US, but the rest of the world. Either you need to do more unbiased research or you've made yourself so blind it doesn't matter.


This is the catch, you can't have religion without having what we'll call "fanatics". And these people fuck it up for everyone. Let's be honest, if all these religious people would actually follow their fuckin "faith", we'd all get along much better. Don't lie to yourself, Scotty. It's the easy way out and Christianity is no better than any other religion. YOu have a very biased view of other religions, especially Muslim. I've know a few Muslims here in America and others I've meant through the internet in various ways. Strangely, none of them were violent or disrepspectful. However, I've meant plenty of people who claimed Christianity and were some of the most intolerant, bigoted, violent people I know. That still doesn't mean I think all Christians are that way. This is the approach you need to take with others. People are individuals. They should be treated as such. And just because one person misjudges you, doesn't mean it's ok for you to do the same. Be the stronger, bigger man. Besides, doesn't the bible teach acceptance, understanding and doing unto others as you'd have them do unto you?

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