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Tis the season.....for theft!!

Dr. Apex

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I thought I would remind everyone to be extra careful around the holidays with their belongings.


Last night I had a customer try to pass off a stolen check to me for almost $500 worth of stuff. Also I ran off someone eyeing inside my truck looking for freebies, and then someone had their car broken into at the gym today just a couple stalls away from me, the woman had left her purse on the seat!!


Also it was this time last year when my dads house was robbed in broad daylight!!


It's not just the season for giving, it's the season for taking so be careful!!

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So bitter lol.


But ya.. police depts this time of year should concentrate more on patrol than anything :)


Two stolen cars, more cars than I can count being broken into, being picked up for an underage consumption right before turning 21 for drinking half of a beer while walking in an alley on campus, among other things.


No, not bitter at all. Worthless fucks.

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All of them were at different locations. None in bad areas.


The first stolen car was clearly done by someone that worked at the shop it disappeared from since it was only outside one night and you can't see the place from any major roads. Did the auto squad even look into it? Of course not.


The second one ended up at the CPD impound and they allowed the person it was recovered from to remove a motor, transmission and axle - without the title.


Keep it classy, CPD.

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