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Network gurus...HALP!

El Karacho1647545492

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My Cheap HP took a Shit too. I understand, so Far my Air is awesome.

I've been wondering about those. My roommate has a last gen Macbook and he loves it. He loves to leave it around in odd places with the anti-theft alarm on just to fuck with people.


I've heard the Air blows everything else away performancewise b/c of the SSD.

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Well first off disable your wireless card. Right click on the icon in your network connections page and select disable. The wireless and the regular card are going to conflict. Your wireless card is showing that it has already pulled an IP for your PC.


After looking at the settings I see that your NIC card does not have DHCP enabled. This would be the issue if your router is set for DHCP because your computer will not be obtaining an IP automatically.


Follow Kill Joys instructions to get to the NIC card properties. Its in Network Connections. Right click your Local Area Connection and click properties. Scroll down and highlight TCP/IP and hit the properties button again.

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Well first off disable your wireless card. Right click on the icon in your network connections page and select disable. The wireless and the regular card are going to conflict. Your wireless card is showing that it has already pulled an IP for your PC.


After looking at the settings I see that your NIC card does not have DHCP enabled. This would be the issue if your router is set for DHCP because your computer will not be obtaining an IP automatically.


Follow Kill Joys instructions to get to the NIC card properties. Its in Network Connections. Right click your Local Area Connection and click properties. Scroll down and highlight TCP/IP and hit the properties button again.


Did you see the other picture? I think there's somehow a problem with my local area connection because its saying its bridged, and as far as I know it shouldn't be that way.

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OK so I disabled the Local Area Connection, hit properties, and this is what I get:



the fucking explaination on how to modify bridge settings basically puts me in an infinite loop of these two fucking screens. stupidass windows.


so I click configure and it goes to this screen:



no TCP/IP settings.



how do I de-bridge this bitch?


edit: also, I tried disabling my wireless card, didn't work. I'm thinking I might just remove the whole thing and see where that takes me.

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You must have set it in bridge mode by accident. I think your bridged your 2 connections together. I think if you right click on the connection you can unbridge it. Then follow the steps I gave you.

Like I said, I have no idea how to unbridge it. I click properties and it takes me to that screen that only has "configure" as an option.


i've been searching online and apparently i'm not the only person having this problem. when I right click on the Local Area Connection, the option to delete is grayed out and where it should say "Remove Bridge" it says "Bridge Connections" like its not already bridged

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Yes but your WIRELESS card is pulling the IP for your PC. You have to disable the wireless and then your regular NIC card can obtain an IP. You cannot get a separate IP for each card. They are conflicting.


Why not?


My Notebook has a WNIC and NIC, both are on the same network(s).



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OK so here's what I did:


Went to configuration of the bridged local area connection.


created an untagged VLAN


adjusted properties of that VLAN to meet needs (i.e. found that FUCKING TCP/IP screen, "obtain etc etc etc automatically")




thanks guys, I have no idea what I did but its working and that's all I care about.


lock this shit up

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