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Time Travelers Exist


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IMO the worm hole theory makes the most sense to me to explain time travel. Anyone else agree with me?

This is assuming we're correct in the shape and length of worm holes.


I'm more interested in accelerating faster than light. I think it's much more important.

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It's cool to see some interest in this. I love theoretical science, quantum physics, etc. Having enough knowledge in quantum physics actually got me laid by an incredibly beautiful woman. :cool: True...fucking...story.

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You shoot a particle beam at something, you get a fucked up something. It doesnt go anywhere forward or backward in time. I was in the Navy too, and I minored in physics (and majored in astro engineering). Your navy pals are jerking your chain Dark. Hope you didn't buy em a beer for that story.


Wormholes dont take you back any farther than the moment you started accelerating one end. Good luck getting that black hole tractor to work there.


And mikehaze, there's no accelerating faster than light. You can go faster, sure. You can go slower. But you can't accelerate thru the speed of light. (BTW - if you going faster than light you are essentially travelling "backward" in time. Ask any positron.)


And that swiss ring in hte tomb whatever is the biggest load of hoaxshart I ever read. Why? Because say I'm mr Ring Wearing Time traveller and I pop back and visit me a tomb. Then I take off my ring to Purell off the tomb funk and forget the ring in the tomb. Back in futureland on monday I gotta go to work but I see I lost my ring. Uh oh did I leave it in that tomb I visited Saturday night with Sheila? Quick query on FutureGoogle and woops, ring found in 2008 newspaper. Oopsy, back to the tomb at time index when-I-left-plus-1-microsecond and *poof* *yoink* back comes my ring.


But all that crap aside, the signal research stuff going on is actually the most interesting (read real).

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This is assuming we're correct in the shape and length of worm holes.


I'm more interested in accelerating faster than light. I think it's much more important.



I made a wormhole with a piece of paper bent in half and a pencil. I stabbath you space/time with the pencil of light speed.

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And mikehaze, there's no accelerating faster than light. You can go faster, sure. You can go slower. But you can't accelerate thru the speed of light. (BTW - if you going faster than light you are essentially travelling "backward" in time. Ask any positron.).

You assume too much. Yes, it is true that we are limited mechanically to the speed of light. This does not mean it is the only form of travel(read: not necessarily human travel or transportation) or possible quicker communication. There are tons of hypothetical particles such as tachyons to assist in fast-travel theories (this including communication and particle transport). This is the reason for experiments, especially the LHC; most of what we know in the universe is hypothetical or observational.

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Oh god please don't torture me with that cocktail science drivel. I assume nothing. I know what I'm talking about. I've been studying this stuff since before you were born. Reread what I typed: Nothing passes thru the light barrier. You had mentioned accelerating thru the light barrier. I corrected you. No findings in the past 25 years have changed that. And no theories queued up for proving or disproving by upcoming LHC experiments (and I'm read up on the darpa synopses of most of them thanks, I can even do the math). You're either faster or you're slower or you're elsewhere. Lightspeed, as a velocity, does not get accelerated thru. Period.


Sorry to sound harsh. But there's the science and the math of this stuff, then there's the discovery channel and the hollywood of it. The latter makes me ill.

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Bullshit. Time travel is possible. I do it every night in my time machine below.


I can also control the future. I can prove this, as well. I try not to abuse the power and generally only demonstrate it by having my tv turn off after I've gone to sleep or time traveled. No use in wasting power. Be Green!


I'm also faster than light. I know this because when I shut my eyelids, it cuts the light off which can only mean my eyelids are faster than light, thus, I'm faster than light.



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