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A little ice, and a bunch of morons

Mr. Jones

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On my shitty tires I can still manage... Hell, my friend ripped my e-brake on me on an empty road and I was fine? I got fucking backwards and just did a damn J-turn thing. People just can't drive... *Sidenote, he was punched




I would have made him walk. Fuckers like him raising my insurance rates.

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I will agree with that 100%. I wouldn't blame it on lack of responsibility so much, as to lack of actual skill. I'd say most driver's on the road don't posess the skill to counter steer into a slide, control a spin, or all around drive in adverse conditions. Most of the retards on the road will panic, and immediately slam on their brakes. Where that helps in some cases, it should be used in coordination with steering, and controlled amounts of braking. I guess people all too often forget about the E-brake too. I'm no Michael Shumacher, but it don't take a lot to learn and feel your vehicle.

This is what I was going for.

To Kevin R. : I made him walk the last 1/2 mile home. :) Next time, he's driving. :bangbang:

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