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Douche Bags in the Arena District


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dont ever come to sloopys then cause brandon will try to start shit with you because he knows that he has atleast 10 people with him. shits stupid, kid does it almost everytime we go out. i cant wait til someone actually beats the fuck out of him, cause all im going to say is, TOLD HIM SO.


Had a guy like that a few weeks ago - kept trying to get all his friends to fight one of my friends over nothing. My friend is a bigass dude, and wanted nothing to do with it. These fags finally quit running their cock suckers and all left. Meanwhile me and a few others were still there, and hype man as I'll call him stayed around. We're outside bullshitting and this fucking tool comes outside acting all buddy buddy. I told him to stop smiling and start walking before I slapped his fucking face off of his face. He started walking. It was comedy gold. How the fuck are you going to go from ZOMG I WANT MY FRIENDS TO HIT YOU to HAY GUISE I CAN HAS HANG OUT? No. Fuck you.



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Had a guy like that a few weeks ago - kept trying to get all his friends to fight one of my friends over nothing. My friend is a bigass dude, and wanted nothing to do with it. These fags finally quit running their cock suckers and all left. Meanwhile me and a few others were still there, and hype man as I'll call him stayed around. We're outside bullshitting and this fucking tool comes outside acting all buddy buddy. I told him to stop smiling and start walking before I slapped his fucking face off of his face. He started walking. It was comedy gold. How the fuck are you going to go from ZOMG I WANT MY FRIENDS TO HIT YOU to HAY GUISE I CAN HAS HANG OUT? No. Fuck you.






no its worse than that, like if a guy bumps him and gives him a look, he blows the whole thing out of proportion, then gets all his friends to back him up and makes a big fucking scene out of nothing, and he NEVER!!!!! does anything. he tried that shit with me once but i wasnt having it. one of these times, hes going to fuck with the wrong people, and get stomped out, and i swear to god ill be sitting there on the sideline not even attempting to assist him and his friends. im not going to jail over someone bumping me in a bar.

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dont ever come to sloopys then cause brandon will try to start shit with you because he knows that he has atleast 10 people with him. shits stupid, kid does it almost everytime we go out. i cant wait til someone actually beats the fuck out of him, cause all im going to say is, TOLD HIM SO.


My friend Matt is like this too. He thinks he's the biggest hard-ass and regardless of where we go, he starts some kind of shit with someone. It's gotten to a point where I've body slammed his drunk-ass on the floor of Lodgebar to get his attention long enough to tell him to shut the hell up. He won't do anything to me, but he gets hellbent on kicking some dudes ass every time he's drunk and you just have to get him in check in some ridiculous way.

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no its worse than that, like if a guy bumps him and gives him a look, he blows the whole thing out of proportion, then gets all his friends to back him up and makes a big fucking scene out of nothing, and he NEVER!!!!! does anything. he tried that shit with me once but i wasnt having it. one of these times, hes going to fuck with the wrong people, and get stomped out, and i swear to god ill be sitting there on the sideline not even attempting to assist him and his friends. im not going to jail over someone bumping me in a bar.


He'll fuck with the wrong dude one day and it will be glorious.

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Get curb stomped and stop running his mouth. This is one reason I hate going to campus bars and surround myself with the younger crowd.




i dont mind the campus scene, its just i dont like the drama shit taht goes along with it. girls get to drunk and pass out, guys want to fight everyone, and the places are always fucking crowded out this world

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i dont mind the campus scene, its just i dont like the drama shit taht goes along with it. girls get to drunk and pass out, guys want to fight everyone, and the places are always fucking crowded out this world


WTF dude, that IS the campus scene!



I rarely got laid in campus bars at OSU when I was going there. I learned long ago that dive/neighborhood bars are the best. Notched more kills than I can recall in them. Even the fights are more entertaining.

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WTF dude, that IS the campus scene!



I rarely got laid in campus bars at OSU when I was going there. I learned long ago that dive/neighborhood bars are the best. Notched more kills than I can recall in them. Even the fights are more entertaining.





im thinking about going to some local bars, but i always end up at sloopys cause i promote for them, and i get free drinks, and if i want to take over teh vip area anytime i want, i can.

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Thanks to the people that are understanding of what happened. Not the fucking douche bags that want to give me a grammar lesson and try to say I started it. Sorry I don't proofread all my posts like I am going to publish them in the god damn New York Times. Seriously, those guys were hellbent on starting a fight and irregardless if I what I said is considered talking "shit, they were still going to start a fight.


Don't get me wrong, I understand. With a mouth like mine I understand all too well. I know exactly how you felt afterward, and it sucks.

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I never run into problems down by Brothers, I guess you have to know how to move through the D-bags. People have said shit to me there on occasion but honestly I just look at it like this. I know they’re drunk and have their “boys”, ego and drunk tuff man suit on so I just ignore it. I really don’t see the point in getting into it with some prick who can’t handle his Liquor; I’m down there to have a good time with my friends. Yeah it erks me sometimes, but it’s just not worth it.


It sucks that you got busted up but it takes both sides being stupid to get into a fight. If you knew they were just looking for trouble and someone to fight then way say anything back? What could they have possibly said that you just couldn’t let slide? And to get upset about no one jumping in to stop it is just as stupid. You see unlike you and the 5 drunk guys everyone else standing around is smart enough to let it go. Why should someone else put their ass on the line either getting hurt or going to jail for you and something stupid?


Officer: You’re under arrest for disorderly conduct

Bystander: But why? I just jumped into a random fight to try and help the 2 loosing guys!?


I don’t think it’s a matter of ethics and the right or wrong thing to do in that situation it’s more about being smart.


Anyway, good luck next time around hope you heal up soon and go Jackets!

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I have been in my fair share of situations before, for me its about choosing the battles. Sometimes you just need to swallow your pride, and let it go. You'll feel like a pussy/bitch ( :mad: ), but you will be happy you did it the next day.
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Don't wanna deal with assholes? Don't go where the assholes are. If you choose to go where the assholes go, well, chances are you're an asshole, too.


The entire club scene centers around one thing, and only one thing; trying to look cool in front of other people who are trying to look cool. When you get that many people in one place that are all trying to look cool, you're gonna have problems, because about 50% of people who think they're cool think the way to look cool is to make others look uncool. Naturally, if someone tries to make you look uncool, you feel the burning desire to respond in a manner that makes you look cool.


So, your problem boils down to one thing; you think being cool is more important than not getting the shit kicked out of you.

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