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John Bruh

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If you are speaking of the Air, than it is much different than most notebooks. Usually, size and lightness don't mean much to me, but the fact that it's so mobile yet feels more solid and higher quality than most notebooks is a purchase-point in its own.


Plus it fits in an envlope, don't forget that part.



How is it not having a CD-ROM drive? I think that would be a huge annoyance to me personally.


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Plus it fits in an envlope, don't forget that part.



How is it not having a CD-ROM drive? I think that would be a huge annoyance to me personally.



My tablet doesn't have one, I never use optical drives anyway. Can't say I've ever missed it. If I need to move a lot of data to it I either use a USB drive or wireless.

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My tablet doesn't have one, I never use optical drives anyway. Can't say I've ever missed it. If I need to move a lot of data to it I either use a USB drive or wireless.


Yep. +1


I have a Dvd burner for my MBAir though, it just stays connect to my LED Display. When I hook the MBAir up to the display, I have an optical drive then. But as Kenny said, I never use it.

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Yes because they are radically different from every other PC.


My Mac can't do e-mail, I can't pay my bills on line, I can't watch porn or Youtube or Streetfire videos, I can't surf CR with it, I can't edit family pics with it, I can't FTP files back and forth to my server, I can't listen to sirius on it, I can't IM on it, I can't create or read Word, Excel, Powerpoint files on it, I can't sync my phone to it, I can't download my music, movies, and TV shows, I can't sync my calendar to my phone with it, it doesn't back all my stuff up to a hard drive on my router, Oh and it's not portable and able to be used with a 24" screen as a desktop when I want. And I have no use for my McAfee antivirus software anymore, I'm pissed I don't have to pay for that stuff anymore. I mean what could I possibly spend that money on now?


So yeah, it's just shinny.


No wait....


you forgot the most important part, you can't play any decent games unless you install a windown VM.

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Didn't read it, upside?


iTunes runs almost 3 times as fast on my air vs my 3ghz pentium 4 desktop, no anti virus, works better with my other mac devices like my Apple TV, iPhone, and Time Capsule. Also kenny, could just take a partition and load windows, no emulator needed, just boot windows or OS X on the MBAir when ever you want. The virtual machine is easier because you jut open windows like you open a program. So yes you could "Tune" with it.

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Safari crashed



Since I have had my Mac, not once has any program "crashed". My desktop running vista was on a schedule of at least twice a day if not more. Every day, my ATI video card would flip out and just turn off. All you could do was restart the Pc and vista would say it was an ati driver that caused the crash. So if you were in the middle of something you had to start over as you could not save your work. My Mac not crashing, that is a huge upside for me.

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