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english bulldog???????


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English bulldogs are not good children animals, they are bull dogs, they do what they want and they weigh enough that if one jumps on a small child severe injuries can occur.


We have a couple that we are friends with and their bull dog Killed there infant. Was very Sad. Even todlers should not be around these dogs. they are so heavy and their mentality is to push and run over what ever is in their way. They are not being mean, just playing they are tough to handle.


Joe has 2 english bulldogs and my daughter is scared to death of them. My wife had my daughter over there one day without me and one knocked her over. She was lucky the dog didn't step on her. It weighs 70 pounds, it would have been a trip to the emergency room. I have had one of Joe's Bulldogs jump on me wanting attention, and they are freaking solid like lead... It hurt me. Joe's male bulldog is like an anvil with legs. :)


WHen kids are older and bigger sure they are great dogs. Not Toddlers and younger.

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There is one problem with my pit though, and its when I leave for extended periods of time. When Im not home my pit becomes destructive and wont listen to my girlfriend for shit. I guess its because the dog sees me as the pack leader and freaks out. So if you have a job that keeps you on the road alot, i wouldnt recommend getting a pit, or any dog for that matter.


-You should pick up a book on the breed that you want and read up on it. Thats what I did before a bought my pit and the book put my worries about them to rest, and made training her much easier than I thought it was going to be.

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Because one person you know don't know how to control there bully does not mean they are bad. It means he does not control his dog. The baby should be considered a respected member of the pack and in a superior position!


I know someone who has a LARGE pit bull and 2 kids. NEVER ONCE had a single issues. My large dog has been around babys and again no issues.


Don't blame the dog for the owner.

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thanks for all the help guys. i have been looking and i think i want the smaller american bd that looks like a tall english bd. i really like the breed of bull dogs in general. i dont have kids and might not for awhile its just something that matters to me alot.
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