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I LOVE Vista

i haven't ran into anything i can't do on it.

however, i am always game to try something new, how's the driver support on 7?

what are the MAJOR differences that are making 7 any better than Vista, except for being built from the beginning for use with touchscreens.


Its also suppose to be easier on resources, but I haven't tried it so I don't know.

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Its also suppose to be easier on resources, but I haven't tried it so I don't know.


it is easier on resources. i have only seen the beta for a few minutes. i wish i could play with it a little. maybe my attitude would change a little in favor of 7 instead of vista.

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adding RAM may have been a bad choice of words. yes it is a cache not actual ram. but accessing cache is faster. readyboost also spinsdown disk access by accessing the cache instead and saves laptop battery.


if you are not being prompted to enter a password...then turn your UAC back on.


readyboost does help =)


VISTA is by no means more security then osx.


Yes I <3 osx it just works

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Dude you're smoking crack, because XP is supported until 2014. Hell, Windows 2000 still has support until 2010. I am fully convinced that you have zero clue what you are talking about.



i do know what i am talking about.


i just meant no more service packs as mainstream support is done in april of this year. all they will be releasing from april forward is security updates. you are 100 percent correct on support until 2014. when i said no longer supported i was just referring to no mainstream support to better the OS (besides security fixes).


i am at work and busy and i made an assumption that some of you might not know all the caviats with vista etc. that is my fault and i am by no means trying to say that anyone is retarded. i was just trying to save myself from having to explain the explanations. basically im not trying to argue over a forum my point of view.


OS likes and dislikes are subject to personal opinion anyway and depends on the users experience or comfort level.

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readyboost does help =)


VISTA is by no means more security then osx.


Yes I <3 osx it just works




i am not tyring to argue about security. i have ZERO experience with mac as i had just avoided them for years. so please take this bias opinion with a grain of salt. page 2 of the link has mac engineers stating vista has less holes than osx in the code. what that also means is OSX has a heavy following and gets exploited more than windows (partly because windows has been beaten the hell up for years) and mac is gaining some serious momentum.


on another note i would like to try a mac sometime so i can make a more compelling arguement on OSX.

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I run Vista 64-bit on all of my machines, including my gaming machines. It works fine. I don't see what the issue is that everyone's having.


Honestly, the Vista hate I see smells a LOT like the XP hate when it came out. But now everyone loves XP. It seems a lot of people forgot about what the transition from the Win## series of OSes to XP was like.


Vista's need to have you verify everything you click on stems from all the idiots out there that will click everything. "BAWWW! You SUCK Microsoft! My computer is full of viruses because I can't keep from sticking my mouse's dick in every hole. It's your fault I'm an idiot, it's your responsibility to save me from myself! FIX IT!" So MS said "Fine, we'll make sure you know you're clicking on something that has the power to hurt your computer." Now it's "BAWWWW! You SUCK Microsoft! I have to click three times before I can do anything! FIX IT!"


Vista's memory useage is another misunderstood thing. Microsoft looked at all the RAM people are crammign into their computers as said "Gee, there's all this memory sitting around doing NOTHING, let's use it if they have it." But the oldschoolers start crying out "BAWWW! You SUCK Microsoft! This number here is too high! I don't like high numbers here! I'd rather all this RAM I paid for sits around and does NOTHING for me! FIX IT!"


It's a good thing Microsoft makes a ton of money. Otherwise they probably would have packed up shop just to dump us back into the dark ages of computing when no two people had the same OS and programmers had to program for EVERY possible PC configuration.


I'm not saying MS is God's gift to PCs, but they take a LOT of uncalled-for flak.

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Honestly, the Vista hate I see smells a LOT like the XP hate when it came out. But now everyone loves XP. It seems a lot of people forgot about what the transition from the Win## series of OSes to XP was like.


Vista's need to have you verify everything you click on stems from all the idiots out there that will click everything. "BAWWW! You SUCK Microsoft! My computer is full of viruses because I can't keep from sticking my mouse's dick in every hole. It's your fault I'm an idiot, it's your responsibility to save me from myself! FIX IT!" So MS said "Fine, we'll make sure you know you're clicking on something that has the power to hurt your computer." Now it's "BAWWWW! You SUCK Microsoft! I have to click three times before I can do anything! FIX IT!"


Vista's memory useage is another misunderstood thing. Microsoft looked at all the RAM people are crammign into their computers as said "Gee, there's all this memory sitting around doing NOTHING, let's use it if they have it." But the oldschoolers start crying out "BAWWW! You SUCK Microsoft! This number here is too high! I don't like high numbers here! I'd rather all this RAM I paid for sits around and does NOTHING for me! FIX IT!"


It's a good thing Microsoft makes a ton of money. Otherwise they probably would have packed up shop just to dump us back into the dark ages of computing when no two people had the same OS and programmers had to program for EVERY possible PC configuration.


I'm not saying MS is God's gift to PCs, but they take a LOT of uncalled-for flak.


I cant disagree with anything you said.

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Who can complain about Vista when 4GB of ram is $35? Only people I think can complain about that is people that bought apple hardware who pay $75 per gb :)


Seriously, I love vista. I have a 4 day weekend and I think I might install windows 7 since all the reviews have been great.

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Wait did Timmy just say a USB drive is faster then RAM? I think someone needs to go back to school.

It has a faster seek time; nearly instantaneous. But the transfer rate is crap. Vista will use it to store small bits of info. And if you have more than 1G of RAM, vista won't really use it.

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To everyone:


Does windows 7 have any issues with file and print sharing to other machines (windows, linux) ? I've had headaches with vista and file sharing to the point that I went back to XP just for that.


Funny you should mention that, watch the video on the front page of the Windows 7 website.

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It has a faster seek time; nearly instantaneous. But the transfer rate is crap. Vista will use it to store small bits of info. And if you have more than 1G of RAM, vista won't really use it.


transfer rate = speed

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To everyone:


Does windows 7 have any issues with file and print sharing to other machines (windows, linux) ? I've had headaches with vista and file sharing to the point that I went back to XP just for that.


I need to look into this too, I have 2 vista machines, 1 xp, and 1 linux...and the vista ones cant do shit, even with eachother. They'll ping and see the workgroup, but absolutely no access

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I've been using 7 for a while. Overall it has been treating me great. I'd definitely recommend trying it when the full release hits if not sooner. Most apps designed for vista seem to run fine.


For file/print sharing, you do need to tweak settings in the "Network and Sharing Center" - by default most discovery and sharing options are off (depending on the network type you choose)

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