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Hulk vs Wolverine


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So I've tried to watch this fucking thing like eight times now. The farthest I've got is part where Sabertooth is talking to some scientist (which I think is about halfway through). I've tried to download it, but that doesn't seem to work - it says the download will start, but it never does. I've tried to stream it, but it always seems to just randomly stop at different points and then won't restart. So, this is me whining.


So, what happens? I used to be so into Wolverine and all that nerdy shit (e.g., I know that Wolverine made his first appearance in the Incredible Hulk), so I'm interested in knowing what happens. Ideally, I'd just like to watch the fucking video, but Al Gore and Bill Gates apparently both hate me and are conspiring to prevent that from happening.

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So I've tried to watch this fucking thing like eight times now. The farthest I've got is part where Sabertooth is talking to some scientist (which I think is about halfway through). I've tried to download it, but that doesn't seem to work - it says the download will start, but it never does. I've tried to stream it, but it always seems to just randomly stop at different points and then won't restart. So, this is me whining.


So, what happens? I used to be so into Wolverine and all that nerdy shit (e.g., I know that Wolverine made his first appearance in the Incredible Hulk), so I'm interested in knowing what happens. Ideally, I'd just like to watch the fucking video, but Al Gore and Bill Gates apparently both hate me and are conspiring to prevent that from happening.


LoL it comes out on DVD the 27th.. it's a two parter it's Hulk Vs. Wolverine then Hulk vs Thor


Buuut if you must know. Wolverine and Banner both get captured for further testing. but Wolverine some how breaks free and slices a lot of arms off aand needs to Banner/Hulk to help get him out cause he is out numbered but Banner is to drugged up to Hulk out but Wolverine finds another way to make him hulk out by..


wait for it



wait for it..




















HE GUTS BRUCE BANNER!! Yes puts all three claws threw his gut!! And makes fun of Banner crying like a liittle baby then of course he Hulks out and Hulk is literally ripping peoples arms of them and wolverine is slices his way so when they finally beat every up and escape they jump at each other to finish what was started but the movie ends :(


I'm glad we FINALLY get to see Wolverine actually cutting peoples limbs off.. and being well Wolverine for a change..


Overall a lot of fighting and ass kicking going around.. Will definitely by to watch cartoon blood in HD..

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No one can beat the Hulk in the Marvel universe, Thor fought the Hulk to a stand still once and Spiderman threw the Hulk into orbit. Superman is the only one that actually defeated the Hulk. Yes, i'm talking DC vs Marvel.


And that was horseshit. Superman was getting his ass whipped when suddenly Superman thought about all the people he loved on Earth, etc, etc, bullshit, bullshit, pansy ass, pussy, etc, hackin fag, whatever, gained energy/power/fortitude and punched the shit outta the hulk. That may not be verbatim, but that's the gist. I hate Stuporman. I also think the Hulk vs Doomsday would've been much tighter. Oh, and Batman beat Superman once. Batman>Superman. Fuck, I think I just reached my geek limit for the day.

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Okay, hold on, I'm confused.


First, who threw the Hulk into orbit, Spiderman or Superman? I wouldn't think Spiderman could throw anyone into orbit.


Second, I think I saw a video of the Hulk beating the living hell out of all of the Avengers, Thor included. (Yes, I know the videos don't necessarily equal the comics, I'm just saying what I saw.) In that video, Hulk even picked up Thor's hammer, which was thought to be impossible, right? Anyway, from the video: Hulk > Avengers.


Third, there are plenty of things in the Marvel universe that could beat the Hulk. Think of Galactus or even the Silver Surfer. Now, if we are just talking about mortal beings in the Marvel universe, then I think you definitely have an argument that Hulk > any mortal.


Fourth, did Hulk actually rip apart Wolverine at some point?

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Spider-Man was amped up off of something I really don't remember but it wasn't just "regular" Spidey..


The only person to really challenge the Hulk hit for hit has been the Juggernaut all their fights has ended in either a tie or one throwing the other far far away which I really wouldn't count as a win.. and The Sentry most recently..



And yes it Was Ultimate Hulk vs Ultimate Wolverine



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Spiderman threw Hulk into orbit when Spidey had the cosmic costume. I'm talking comics. I didn't see the video, didn't think anyone could pick up Thor's hammer, except Wonder Woman did (has something to do with the gods). Didn't think of Galactus or Silver Surfer, but that would be an interesting battle.
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I think I remember reading that the Hulk's total strength has never been measured or even completely tapped - something along the lines that he is simply the strongest mortal being in the known universe, that his strength is capable of growing expotentially, and that the limits of his strength have never been reached.
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Oh shyt! I remember that! I liked it when the Hulk hit Thor with his own hammer and little ass Hulk choking the shyt out of Giantman or whatever his name is. I never cared too much for the Avengers anyway, espcially when Spiderman almost killed Ironman.
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I will say this about the Hulk vs Wolv and Hulk vs Thor vids. Both my gf and I watched the Wolverine one first. That's the way they were put on the dvd so we said wth. We both like Wolv. Turns out, we thought the Thor vid was better. I think I may've been rooting for the Hulk the whole time in both. lol Imagine how good it would feel to rage that hardcore out of control at least once a year? I can almost feel it...
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