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Ski/Snowboarding Party


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Folks, we talked about it offseason but I don't see any recent post. I am just throwing out a suggestion and then let's talk.

February 21st and 22nd Snowtrails in Mansfield will have their Winter Carnival, it's convenient, affordable fun......if you are looking for serious skiing...I am sorry, with 250 feet vertical you can't do much.....check it out...Ski patrols sell dollar dog, dollar fifty brats, 2 bucks Killian and Miller/Bud. The bar is not pricey either, it's more party than skiing though....post your thoughts....


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I'm actually going there Saturday. I've got previous engagements the 21st but the 22 might work I'll already be in Columbus so Mansfield would be on the way home for me. Nothing big to throw the board on the roof and the gear in the back. Count me in

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most of the ski rental places donot adjust the bindings for beginners, that's why you sometimes twist your legs and in pain....the ski should release before you twist your legs.....if you are a beginner skier and rent, tell the tech to adjust the DIN of the binding to the MINIMUM for a beginner skier for an easy release.

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Skied over your own thumb? How does one do that? :wtf: I bet that felt great...

I have only tried boarding once. It was when I was in canada on a GINORMOUS mountain. I didnt have much success and gave up quickly. I need to try it here on the small hills.

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Skied over your own thumb? How does one do that? :wtf: I bet that felt great...

I have only tried boarding once. It was when I was in canada on a GINORMOUS mountain. I didnt have much success and gave up quickly. I need to try it here on the small hills.

It was fantastic. I was flying down a hill and realized I was in over my head and needed to fall, so I put my hand down on the ground and somehow skied over it. Then I tumbled down the hill long enough to think "I wonder when I'm gonna stop tumbling" & "hrm, i hope I don't hurt myself" then I hit my head. I pulled myself together just in time for several ski patrollers to tell me what a 'gnarly fall' i had... terribly long story short, I ended up at the bottom of the hill ~20 mins later with torn pants, a sprained thumb, a throbbing headache, and hurt pride (mostly from the 8 year old who was laughing at me)... yeah. So that's my story about how I vowed never to ski again...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all,

I started the thread and thought I will be there at snowtrails on 21st, but didn't work for us. So I am bailing out. Here is the link if anyone is interested, not many people were interested though.

The Carnival poster picture have my daughter Disha's picture (the kid in pink suit #31 bib) from last years racing haha.


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