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Obama had to redo the oath!!!!


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I am going to rip on him for every gaff possible......just want to make sure he is treated the same way Bush was.......whats the matter, don't believe in fair play?

By all means, rip away on Obama, but if that's the biggest criticism you can come up with, you're not really on solid ground. For Bush, the ignorant manner with which he spoke was just icing on the cake on top of all the wrongdoings and mistakes he made in office.

No control? You may have no control, but our Government does. 9/11 could have been much worse...and it could have been prevented.

Maybe you should put down the "How to be a Democrat just like Daddy" and try the 9/11 Commision report.

Nice try... I've read the 9/11 Commission report (two 's's btw) and I've been critical of Bush for that too. And +1 for judging how I was raised - you're a winnar!11!!1. I'm glad you have so much faith in the "Government is God" ideology. You can bow down before the government and give up your privacy and freedom to make sure you feel that extra 0.00001% more secure - I won't be joining you.

Terrorism feeds off stupidity.....and you are feeding it.

Yea :rolleyes: That's why they call it 'stupidism' right, because it feeds off stupidity. Not terrorism, ya know, where the word 'terror' is right in the word. Terror - meaning fear.

Do you read what you type?

You are unsure if the first attack was conducted by non-Americans? You are uneducated about a topic that could cost Americans their lives...but you must be an expert, because "there's nothing anyone could do about it." That is flat ridiculous.

And the USS Cole is American soil...

I was unsure because I didn't take the 5 mins to google it - that why I was leaving room for error in my thought - gimme a break. And the USS Cole is, technically, American soil, but if that's what you're focusing on your missing the forest for the trees. You know the point I was making was an attack on US mainland soil, quit grasping.

Oh, and how critical are you of ALL the democratic leaders who supported Bush....and who called for his removal?

How about Clinton and Ruby Ridge and Waco....or are you in favor of denying Civil liberties only when your guy is in office?

Video endorsing a visit to GOP.com - that's not propaganda with an agenda or anything :rolleyes: And no where on the tape did I hear endorsement of military action until after Bush took office. Specifically, if you listen to the Biden interview he says there are debates on the 'intelligence' - and with Bush's evasion of the Freedom of Information act, I don't believe the BS coming out of his mouth at the end of the video that Congress and the CIA/FBI/NSA wasn't politically pressured to find some intelligence. I guess we'll never know since all those documents are confidential. If you believe him, then why would he have to hide the information?

It's pretty sad that it cost the US taxpayers $10M and months of searching through 60,000 tape drives to try to recover all the crap Bush was and still is hiding - and they still don't have everything.


But, hey, if you're better off now than you were 8 years ago - great for you buddy.

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I am and thanks..

And thanks for catching that spelling mistake......ouch....that stings..

An attack on on a US warship that kills American sailors is "missing the forest for the tress" (missing the forset through the trees)...

Your responses are delusional.....I believe Government is God? Coming from a Democrat...that’s hilarious!

Edited by The King
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You're labeling me again... I don't vote party lines. Ignorance and close-mindedness.

And again... you try to correct my cliche... which was right to begin with...


(missing the forset through the trees)...[.quote]

what's a forset? :p

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