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I work with a FAIL


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This guy I work with is a complete fail. I can understand not liking the president choice. I can even accept that your a racist bastard.



Short version.


I'm eating my lunch watching the swearing in with some of the guys at the office, Most of them are republicans but still accept it is a historic event and are 100% cool, We were just enjoying the event.


This one jackass comes in loud and obnoxiously proclaiming how he really hopes that he's shot. I mean really WTF.


1. This event is historic

2. You only hate on him because he's black period.

3. You could have stayed at your desk with your mouth shut.

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Freedom of speech only extends to the tip of your nose. If you don't like him fine thats great. Freedom of speech does not mean come in and be a fucking ass while others are trying to watch something.


I think its funny how many American's are really just "REPUBLICANS" . I supported bush the first term. I had no issue with his first run. But his second one I did not. I still did not proclaim shit like that.

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Freedom of speech only extends to the tip of your nose. If you don't like him fine thats great. Freedom of speech does not mean come in and be a fucking ass while others are trying to watch something.


I think its funny how many American's are really just "REPUBLICANS" . I supported bush the first term. I had no issue with his first run. But his second one I did not. I still did not proclaim shit like that.


So you're saying democrats are pussies? Wild, I totally agree.


Don't take that as me being a republican, either, because I'm not. I don't believe in the flying spaghetti monster.

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Freedom of speech only extends to the tip of your nose. If you don't like him fine thats great. Freedom of speech does not mean come in and be a fucking ass while others are trying to watch something.


I think its funny how many American's are really just "REPUBLICANS" . I supported bush the first term. I had no issue with his first run. But his second one I did not. I still did not proclaim shit like that.



what about these people, i am sure you were prolly laughing at this.



And please tell me why yesterday was so historic that they felt the need to spend 150 million dollars.

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So did you ask him if he hated Obama just because he was black?


You think your coworker is a racist, you should have read her thesis before you voted. We now have four years to look at this.


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The guy has made other comments to lead be to that conclusion. I did not itneract with him because I wanted to chew him out.


No i did not laugh. I again may not have liked him but yesterday was not the day to act a tool.

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The guy has made other comments to lead be to that conclusion. I did not itneract with him because I wanted to chew him out.


No i did not laugh. I again may not have liked him but yesterday was not the day to act a tool.


So instead you make a thread about it on the internets.


You're a new American icon of CHANGE and HOPE.

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what about these people, i am sure you were prolly laughing at this.



And please tell me why yesterday was so historic that they felt the need to spend 150 million dollars.


our country is fucking pathetic

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I just like how they spend all this money and they are praised for it. Nothing like throwing a 150 mil party for a 400k a year job. I cant wait for this change everyone speaks of. I mean; you voted for a democrat with a democratic congress, we have never seen that before. :rollseyes:
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I just like how they spend all this money and they are praised for it. Nothing like throwing a 150 mil party for a 400k a year job. I cant wait for this change everyone speaks of. I mean; you voted for a democrat with a democratic congress, we have never seen that before. :rollseyes:


The only change I am goin to see is when I no longer have to go to work cause Obama will take care of me.:cool:

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I just like how they spend all this money and they are praised for it. Nothing like throwing a 150 mil party for a 400k a year job. I cant wait for this change everyone speaks of. I mean; you voted for a democrat with a democratic congress, we have never seen that before. :rollseyes:


Don't forget that those same people bitched about Bush spending $50 million on his.


$150+ million? Fuck it, that's fine.

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