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Counter strike!

Jizzle Juice

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CS Beta 5.2 was the last good version. Once gooseman decided to listen to the whiners and lower the accuracies of all the guns, the game went to shit. Soon after that, the optimizations started dropping bullets. Sprinting around a corner, stopping 5 feet from someone, emptying a mag from a *rifle* into someone center mass, and hitting nothing is BS.


Fuck CounterStrike.

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I know i have a disk, did you need a copy or the real thing/ does it matter?


edit, i have 2 copys of it and the real disk.


A copy will work i was just looking to play it again i used to back when. I was looking on the net but dont trust downloading anything!

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I'd fucking destroy any of you noobs at CS.


1.6 sucks cock, if you're going to play an old version, play when the game was fun; Beta 5.2. Game went downhill from there. Weapons got less accurate and way overpowered so people just spray and you die in one random, non aimed shot.


I haven't played in probably a year, maybe more. I switched to HL2: DM but after being banned from every server I enjoyed for "cheating" (read: I'm better than them so I cheat) I quit playing.


I need to buy a desk so I can frag the shit out of some people again, but since I just bought a PS3 I doubt I'll be doing that anytime soon. Unless HL2: EP3 finally comes out, that is.

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