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War on drugs is so worth it


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Like I said, in a perfect world I wouldn't care if people smoked because in a perfect world everything you said is true. That pot smokers can lead rich, fulfilling lives and better the world and have no adverse health conditions.

The problem is, I've never seen it. I've met two people in my life that can actually keep their pot smoking under control. Its a drug and therefore it can be easily abused, and people do it a lot.

And you can't tell me that all pot smokers are law abiding citizens because they're doing an illegal drug. Oh ok all but that one law right?

Too many people abuse the drug, and that leads to other problems. Like the assholes I've met that smoke in front of their kids, and then take their kids to parties at 1am (Driving while high I'll add) and make the kid color in the corner. Or the ones that just leave the kids home while they go do it with their buddies. You can give me all the statistics that say its rare that shit like that happens,but thats all I've ever seen.

Like I said I can't compete with all of your pot knowledge, I only go off of the people I know that smoke pot.

And for the record, yes I think alcohol is just as bad if the people abuse it too.

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