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xps input device fail


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i have a xps m140 laptop. basically my keyboard stops working after about 5 min of being on it acts as if i have the ctrl button constantly held down. when i hit f it drops down the file box from the tool bar of whatever window i have open ie internet explorer or word processor. i restart the laptop and its fine for about another 5-10 min and does the same thing again. i can not double click on any icons on the desktop. they will not open. it only opens that shortcuts proprity drop down box. i have re installed drivers, tried multiple operating systems and the problem still persists. i have even attachet external mouse and key board and it still does the same thing oddly enough. i ahve tried dell support forums and no onw can help me. i have run diagnostics and everything tests out fine. any help is appriciated.
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on my toshiba the little keyboard wire underneath got bent from normal use and made the keys act funny and the mouse move on the laptop. I took out the keyboard and fixed the cable and it fixed it. Im not sure how a dell keyboard work but most have a cable that go underneath the keyboard. Look around for manuals on how to take out the keyboard and check that. You might have to disable on board keyboard and mouse through the bios cause if you plug in another keyboard it will still use the laptop keyboard before the external.
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yea i have taken the whole thing apart and made sure everything was connected correctly. i cleaned the dust out the keyboard too. and i have tried to disable the keyboard in the bios but there is not an option to. being it works for a while and then goes to shit i wanted to think it was software related. at this point im completly lost. i have had it maybe a month and it was fine the first few weeks.
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