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LCD vs. Plasma--Part Deuce


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Too fun. I picked up a LG 47" 1080p lcd for $899 on sale with a single day website only coupon at HH Gregg just before xmas. Not my first choice I wanted a Sony 47" xbr. It was $2300.

The things I considered when buying the set. I had a 6 position video switch box for all of the toys hooked up to the tv. So I wanted at least 6 video inputs. the LG had them. Just like the sony. It has a 120 hz refresh rate. The anti burn in mode.

It even has the cinema 24p mode just like the sony. That is the native frame rate of Blue ray and dvd's. So idealy it should give the best picture.

I have to agree with Princess about the DLP and picture quality, It is still projection which will never be as good as a direct view image.

I looked at plasma too. I considered the energy consumption, but I was at a friends hous and saw something burned into his screen as well. Yep, Call of Duty. his kid loves it. Thats what did it for me. His has a couple of fans that run all the time.

Just for fun I found some links about Plasmas being regulated out of exsistance. I was surprised that they use 43% more power. enjoy




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I looked at plasma too. I considered the energy consumption, but I was at a friends hous and saw something burned into his screen as well. Yep, Call of Duty. his kid loves it. Thats what did it for me. His has a couple of fans that run all the time.

I have two Plasma's...a 42 and a 50..and they have PS3's and 360'x attached to them. No burn in. They both come with a 'wipe' mode just in case.

Again, someone else mentioned it..if you buy a decent recent model plasma this is a non issue. If I go buy an LCD without doing my homework and I come home with a model that has a known problem....who's fault is that? I'm not trying to down play the burn in issue...but all it takes is a little research to find out which models do and don't suffer from it.

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With the LCD's your motion blur comes from pixel response time try for something 16ms or less. Direct TV is getting ready for 1080p on their service, starting with the on-demand stuff. Dont let anyone fool you with brand names, specs are what matters and warranty, lcd's and plasmas both go out. And dont buy vizio, they suck I have an LG and my close friend bought the vizio and his is junk compared to the LG.

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Kiss those plasma TVs goodbuy fellas. Eu and now Cali..


SACRAMENTO (AP) -- Many flat-screen televisions may soon be unavailable in California stores.

Calling the TVs electricity hogs, state energy regulators are expected to adopt rules this summer requiring retailers to sell only TVs that meet guidelines of the federal Energy Star program by 2011.

Plasma and the popular liquid-crystal display, or LCD, TVs guzzle considerably more energy than old cathode-ray tube sets.

State regulators say a 48-inch plasma TV can draw more power than a large refrigerator.

But industry leaders are objecting to the proposed rules, saying they would bar the sale of nearly a quarter of all flat-screen TVs and all but one plasma TV on the market today.

They say the standards threaten to limit consumer choice, drive shoppers to the Internet and put specialty retailers out of business.

The Associated Press

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With the LCD's your motion blur comes from pixel response time try for something 16ms or less. Direct TV is getting ready for 1080p on their service, starting with the on-demand stuff. Dont let anyone fool you with brand names, specs are what matters and warranty, lcd's and plasmas both go out. And dont buy vizio, they suck I have an LG and my close friend bought the vizio and his is junk compared to the LG.

You just shat all over your own advice.

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That might be jumping the gun a bit dontcha' think?

Well all they are doing it moving up something that is going to go in effect 2011. So unless plasma can completely change the energy usage, they are doomed.

federal Energy Star program by 2011

If all but 1 plasma fails that standard then I don't think I am. Also, I didn't realize that those plasma tvs use as much energy as a Frig..

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Well all they are doing it moving up something that is going to go in effect 2011. So unless plasma can completely change the energy usage, they are doomed.

If all but 1 plasma fails that standard then I don't think I am. Also, I didn't realize that those plasma tvs use as much energy as a Frig..

This is fear mongering at its best. There is no BAN on Plasma's coming..it's a ban on energy inefficient TV's, not matter the technology.

Does anyone REALLY think that the manufacturers won't correct any issues in their sets before 2010?

Here's a link from CNET for a review that shows newer plasma's using the same amount of energy, and even LESS in some cases, than Plasma:


It's not JUST Plasma, so please don't spread this FUD.

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Also, I didn't realize that those plasma tvs use as much energy as a Frig..

No kiddin'.....That raised my eyebrow too! :confused:

Sidebar......Is there a real difference between those color coded component cables & the HDMI. Let's not get into the whole debate about the high end HDMI cables

What's a "neutral cleaner" to clean a plasma screen with, like the owner's manual says? One of the sales guys said Windex was OK?

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No kiddin'.....That raised my eyebrow too! :confused:

Sidebar......Is there a real difference between those color coded component cables & the HDMI. Let's not get into the whole debate about the high end HDMI cables

What's a "neutral cleaner" to clean a plasma screen with, like the owner's manual says? One of the sales guys said Windex was OK?

First up, that sales guy is an idiot. No to Windex!

Stolen from WikiHow:

  1. Check the manual. It may recommend a particular product or method that is best suited for your particular TV.
  2. Turn off the plasma display before cleaning it. Doing this is not necessary, but it's preferred, especially if you're going to use a cleaning solution spray. Some sources suggest unplugging the TV.
  3. Use a soft, lint-free cloth to remove fingerprints and smudges. Avoid wood-based products (paper towels, toilet paper, tissues) because they can scratch the screen. If stubborn dirty spots persist, go to the next step.
  4. Spray cleaning solution on the cloth (not on the screen). Use either just water or an isopropyl alcohol based PC screen cleaner. Anything stronger (e.g. ammonia-based) can damage the anti-glare coating on the plasma screen display. After wiping the screen gently with the cleaning solution, follow up with a dry cloth.

  • When wiping the screen, be gentle. Don't apply a lot of pressure.
  • Some cleaners made specifically for plasma screens are anti-static so that they prevent dust from adhering to the surface after cleaning.

I make my own with half distilled water and half isopropyl (70%, it's cheaper). Using big cheap spray bottles from the hardware. I do the same thing with methanol, but mostly use methanol mix for cleaning plastic and metal parts.

Note: motorcycle screens and shields want water only. No chemistry.

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Please remember:

Most any of this gear is re-branded stuff. It's all made by a few factories, and packaged and assembled in another factory with a different name. When I take these apart to try and repair them, I find the same parts over and over. some components impress me more than others, but there isn't any guarantee that they will be there. I might find three different brand components inside identical units.

Most everyone's thoughts on the subject are right on track. I've gotten these impressions from trade shows and co-workers:

1. Plasma uses 3 times more power, and produces 3 times more heat.

2. Plasma degrades and burns out sooner than LCD. Figure on a shorter replacement cycle.

3. Huge screens are best with plasma. You can't see the pixels. It's really smooth.

4. Your screen size is based on your viewing area (max distance to screen). A smaller room is better off with a smaller screen. Calculate the size screen you need based on the viewing distance. Use any of the calculators found on line: http://myhometheater.homestead.com/viewingdistancecalculator.html

5. Brand names are just that, brand names. Pretty much doesn't have anything to do with quality. There are exceptions for brands that have better warranties, better supply of parts, and actually do better engineering and technical stuff. That would be Sony.

6. LG components impress me, but I'm not sure yet about LG selling complete products yet. Mostly I'm sticking with Sony and Samsung for most everything. But a bargain is often hard to resist.

7. I've recently heard and read that most of the plasma factories have given it up, and no longer in production. Whether this is due to lack of sales, competition, or positioning for technology changes in the future is unknown. I got the impression there is only one plasma factory still currently producing screens. If it's a viable technology, new factories will quickly take the place of the ones that are gone. I think most of the plasma screen producers were also doing LCD and LED screen production, and simply decided that the sales were not in the plasma screens.

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First off...just use water..no need for a special cleaner. I wouldn't put windex near my TV. Too caustic.

Second, I've seen side by side comparisons of HDMI vs Component. I don't think you'll notice a difference. There are too many factors to consider...distance, source material, cable quality, device quality, etc. I think the biggest advantage of HDMI is that there's one cable for video and sound. Maybe you need one more cable for Dolby digital depending on your setup.

Truth be told..it's not cut and dry. Experiment if you can. You can get excellent quality cables for CHEAP at monoprice.com. I buy all my cables there...no issues...and I'm a picky audio/videophile.

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Please remember:

Most any of this gear is re-branded stuff. It's all made by a few factories, and packaged and assembled in another factory with a different name. When I take these apart to try and repair them, I find the same parts over and over. some components impress me more than others, but there isn't any guarantee that they will be there. I might find three different brand components inside identical units.

Most everyone's thoughts on the subject are right on track. I've gotten these impressions from trade shows and co-workers:

1. Plasma uses 3 times more power, and produces 3 times more heat.

2. Plasma degrades and burns out sooner than LCD. Figure on a shorter replacement cycle.

3. Huge screens are best with plasma. You can't see the pixels. It's really smooth.

4. Your screen size is based on your viewing area (max distance to screen). A smaller room is better off with a smaller screen. Calculate the size screen you need based on the viewing distance. Use any of the calculators found on line: http://myhometheater.homestead.com/viewingdistancecalculator.html

5. Brand names are just that, brand names. Pretty much doesn't have anything to do with quality. There are exceptions for brands that have better warranties, better supply of parts, and actually do better engineering and technical stuff. That would be Sony.

6. LG components impress me, but I'm not sure yet about LG selling complete products yet. Mostly I'm sticking with Sony and Samsung for most everything. But a bargain is often hard to resist.

7. I've recently heard and read that most of the plasma factories have given it up, and no longer in production. Whether this is due to lack of sales, competition, or positioning for technology changes in the future is unknown. I got the impression there is only one plasma factory still currently producing screens. If it's a viable technology, new factories will quickly take the place of the ones that are gone. I think most of the plasma screen producers were also doing LCD and LED screen production, and simply decided that the sales were not in the plasma screens.

Ok..this will be my last post cause I don't want to turn this into a tech war...but I HAVE to say a few things.

First, there are LCD's on the market that consume more power than Plasmas. Your statement isn't entirely true.

Second, The whole longevity issue..is a NON issue. This was true when Plasmas were FIRST introduced to the market, but technology has advanced by leaps and bounds since then. This is no longer a factor.

Third, I do agree with you that you need to check reviews of every TV to see where they stand. The exception being the Pioneer Kuro. If you've ever owned one, you'll know what I mean. But yes..most companies buy their panels from a few select factories..and then throw it in their cabinets. Just because a TV says Sammy doesn't mean it's going to be good...but this advice goes for ALL consumer purchases. You need to do your research and find out WHICH MODELS are performing better than the rest.

Last, you heard that plasma factories are closing down. Do you know why, or bother to find out? It's not because Plasma is dead..it's because it's MUCH cheaper to buy the panel from someone else! Basic Econ. If I can buy it cheaper from someone else than it costs me to produce it...it's a no brainer. Again, more FUD.

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How did I shat on anything... I am comparing two models? Not recommending either? But I have seen Blu-Ray on the Vizios and not just for their brand... they suck!

I was giving you a hard time. If I remember, you said brand names don't mean anything, but in the next sentence you slammed an entire brand.

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I bought a LG 47in LCD tv, a samsung blue ray playa, yamaha 640 amp and a nice yamaha surround sound system. all for under 2,000. I love my set up now !!

I don't know shit about this stuff, but it was what they had in 3 different displays at the store and I LIKEY !!

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