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Transportation chief eyes taxing miles driven


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need a kleenex? Some cheese with that whine?



You can't honestly sit there and say you would have had the same reaction toward Bush if Cheney would have suggested taxing mileage driven.


I don't believe Cheney was chief of transportation. If Binden had come up with this idea, then I would give your criticism of Obama more weight. But it wasn't Binden. If Bush had stood up and proposed this, I'd have cried foul. But really, all those old farts in DC are self-motivated crooks. Just become one guy says something, it doesn't mean he's spouting the official line. He's likely trying to get a foot up on someone else.


All I'm saying (and have ever said) is place the blame where it's deserved.

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I don't believe Cheney was chief of transportation. If Binden had come up with this idea, then I would give your criticism of Obama more weight. But it wasn't Binden. If Bush had stood up and proposed this, I'd have cried foul. But really, all those old farts in DC are self-motivated crooks. Just become one guy says something, it doesn't mean he's spouting the official line. He's likely trying to get a foot up on someone else.


All I'm saying (and have ever said) is place the blame where it's deserved.


I'm sorry. I'll give you that. I just couldnt think of Bush's Transportation Sec.


They are all old crooks working together. That's why the majority of them have been there for decades. It's called a "political weather balloon"

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I'm sorry. I'll give you that. I just couldnt think of Bush's Transportation Sec.


They are all old crooks working together. That's why the majority of them have been there for decades. It's called a "political weather balloon"


I completely agree with you there. Which is why I always have to swallow my ire when I vote. Our forefathers would call us all pussies for putting up with our government.

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...I can understand where he's coming from. it would put a bulk of the burden of keeping the roads maintained by the people who use it...


Anyway, back on topic...


This is where it get's way too convoluted. I'll use an extreme example to help. Say, you ride a motorcyle round trip to work each day. I drive a big rig. Or, I'll even say I drive a Hummer. Who do you think damages the roads more over time? And what do you charge companies who use massive amounts of tranportation, ie; big rigs, etc? Do certain roads cost less than others? Should they? What if a portion of your drive is on a dirt road or a city/municipal, etc road? In this case, you have to worry about paying your milage for driving your car while not using a road that is supposed to be covered under this tax. On top this, you have to add in all the extra equipment to monitor milage, development of said equipment, installation, training for installers, training and hiring for monitors, possible factory line alteration for installation, new bills/laws passed concerning equipment, manufacturing of, privacy issues, tampering with, etc.


Anyway, I could go a whole 'nother paragraph. But you get the point and it gets you on track.

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