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wtb: Power Washer

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I have an old one just sitting around the garage, never used it but it works fine as far as I know, the carb just needs cleaned. I don't remember any details about it, but I'll stop by my mom's tomorrow evening and take some pics if you want
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I checked it out today, there was no gas in it, so I put a little in and tried to start it. The cord was finicky when it tried to retract, and then it started pouring down rain so I gave up. I took some pics though...














I bought it from my boss last summer, he says it works fine but the carb probably needs cleaned, and thats all I know about it. He said it was a great power washer and cost quite a bit when it was new. I don't know what they are worth so if you're interested, make me an offer you think is reasonable and I will likely accept it

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