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The Cheese Sandwich controversy


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The school provides great food for those who pay, and perfectly acceptable fare even for those who don't.


No way is school food great food. That shit is fucking HORRIBLE, not taste wise but health wise.


I went to Olentangy HS and their food was CRAZY expensive for the shit that it was. West Virginia had a better school lunch program.


That being said, a grilled cheese sandwich, apple and a milk is just about a million times better for a child then 90% of the shit that schools put on their plate.


Im torn here, I don't feel the child should be singled out by given a "special" meal but at the same time they need to understand that things don't just magically appear for them and it takes work for it... Parents need to stop placing blame on the schools for their lack of decent parenting. Its your own fucking fault... now fix it.

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