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Team Output

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Ok, i get it. You"re a band of honda loser's..i mean owners that have banned to together to bring true jdm racing to my street's. Your the cock sucker that opened you're mouth about racing. Then want to talk money. I pull out money and you start making excuse's about not drag racing...just what other kind of racing you wanna do? "Don't it turn"..yes it turns. but just what was your plans? Rally race thru the parking lot?


Oh im truly diggin the badass business cards too. no color, plain as fuck. just like your stupid pale face.:gtfo:


:gtfo: :bangbang:






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expainnn? honda mad fast jmddd yooooo woooppooooopp


You fag u shouldve came!!!!!


Rob afterwards we went and talked more shit. We told him you went to get the car and he was like i didnt say ill win and i dont wanna run for money!!!


Then i proceeded to make fun of the team name

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Guest Removed
You fag u shouldve came!!!!!


Rob afterwards we went and talked more shit. We told him you went to get the car and he was like i didnt say ill win and i dont wanna run for money!!!


Then i proceeded to make fun of the team name




and he's the one that kept making excuse's..money, well damn that didnt work...



bunch of fucking loser's


maybe there all putting input devices in there output sockets :confused:

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" wanna race?"


"sure whatever"


" care if i hook up the bottle?"


" i dont care"


" lets 60 roll cause i love top end"


" you want to race, but your taking the best part out of the race, the driver"









call someone who has a nastty top end car, wanna race a d bag that has $100?


"fuck yeah, let me put my clutch in"


dbag sees we have a rac e for him, and leaves with the rest of team tampon. end of night.





commence masterbation.... now

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Guest Removed
" wanna race?"


"sure whatever"


" care if i hook up the bottle?"


" i dont care"


" lets 60 roll cause i love top end"


" you want to race, but your taking the best part out of the race, the driver"









call someone who has a nastty top end car, wanna race a d bag that has $100?


"fuck yeah, let me put my clutch in"


dbag sees we have a rac e for him, and leaves with the rest of team tampon. end of night.





commence masterbation.... now


was you drinking? or is that some of the stuff i missed?

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Guest Removed
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA fucking team putout. Wow, yeah Rob you should have stuck around.


damn...maybe next time


havent toke the boy out with me in so long...just cause of all the custody shit last year.


next time ill have to stick around longer, and make them run home..


i bet the only thing that gave you leverage was the fact i left to go get the car :D

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maybe there all putting input devices in there output sockets :confused:


" wanna race?"


"sure whatever"


" care if i hook up the bottle?"


" i dont care"


" lets 60 roll cause i love top end"


" you want to race, but your taking the best part out of the race, the driver"









call someone who has a nastty top end car, wanna race a d bag that has $100?


"fuck yeah, let me put my clutch in"


dbag sees we have a rac e for him, and leaves with the rest of team tampon. end of night.





commence masterbation.... now


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA fucking team putout. Wow, yeah Rob you should have stuck around.

damn...maybe next time


havent toke the boy out with me in so long...just cause of all the custody shit last year.


next time ill have to stick around longer, and make them run home..


i bet the only thing that gave you leverage was the fact i left to go get the car :D

And you def need to do that next time u added te flavor we needed but we used you for leverage :D

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Lol that's what we told him. But every time we would agree to a race he would just be like, no I don't want to race when I know I'm going to lose. Fucking pansy. I'm sure he'll be out all the time, the only thing is not getting him mixed up with the 50 other ricers in their "team".



Brandon-"What you guys have a team but you don't have a team fund to put up money for races when your boys don't have it???"


But remember Team Output-We help you with whatever you got!

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Well I'm not?


Yeah then he wanted to 60 roll me in his h22 prelude on NITROUS :eek: Why a 60 roll you ask? Well because he claims his car is a "top end car".


That is all.


And he called you an old fart and was all about racing me for money then I asked him why he bitched out racing you for money???

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Reason he wouldn't race Shanton.


Shanton has a turbo, and will therefore be making power the entire time. BUT his car has nitrous and .4 liters on Shanton. This is still unfair because he can "only spray for like 4 seconds per race". He then proceded to call me out and say I was talking shit, when I was merely trying to give him the "top end" race he wanted.

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is that all he had? wow just 4 seconds? fucking pussy needs to pull his input out of his output and fix that shit...i could hold the button on my teg thru all 5 gears...
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I got a call from phil of this guy talking shit,,,,,


I left the strip club came home got my car ... Only to find out the kid left.


Rob and I rolled up anyhow.







Seems like i missed a hell of a good shit talking show.




Hopefully I run into his team this summer. Ill tell em to line up one by one and they will all get clipped.




they have a team name?..

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Shit was classic. I still got that business card too. Im going to join up so I can "be where Im wanted." I thought he was boosted. If i had known he was just spraying I would have talked a little shit and got him to do an off the bottle race. That would have been the slowest race ever!
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