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Reminder: Formula 1


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It's official. The team that was at the bottom of the barrel; that the manufacturer itself gave up on as hopeless; that people were saying "Good riddance" to whe nit looked like they were out of F1, are the fastest. Braun (used to be Honda) took 1 and 2 in Q2.


For those who aren't familiar with F1 qualifying, there are three sessions. Starting with 20 cars, the 5 slowest are eliminated in Q1 to be 16-20 on the grid. Then in Q2, the slowest 5 are eliminated again for positions 11-15. Then in Q3, the final ten fight for pole. Whereas in Q1 and Q2 you can run whatever fuel load you want, in Q3 they have to run with their race-load of fuel. So Q2 tends to see the fastest times of the weekend. And in this fastest session of racing, the underdogs were the ONLY ones to go below 1:24. And without KERS!


As for the rule changes? All of the changes meant to cut the downforce in half and slow the cars down have served to make them faster! :D


Watching Q3 now.

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Brawn are 1-2 on the grid, with Vettel in 3rd. McLaren didn't even make it to Q3, and Ferrari are 7th and 9th on the grid. Amazing. The starting grid almost looks like a reverse-start of the previous year's.


Tomorrow's the race. As much of a benchmark Qualifying is, going wheel-to-wheel is something else entirely. This is going to be a very interesting race. We'll finally see if all of the changes meant to improve overtaking are going to work.


I half want to stay up to see it, but I also want to watch with a clear head...

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Trulli lost his podium spot for a safety car penalty after passing Hamilton back towards the end. So Hamilton went from starting 20th (penalized for replacing a gearbox that broke during qualifying, which knocked him back) to 3rd.


Sucks for Vettel. He was fined and penalized (10-grid spots) for next week's race due to the accident towards the end with Kubica.

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Trulli lost his podium spot for a safety car penalty after passing Hamilton back towards the end. So Hamilton went from starting 20th (penalized for replacing a gearbox that broke during qualifying, which knocked him back) to 3rd.


Sucks for Vettel. He was fined and penalized (10-grid spots) for next week's race due to the accident towards the end with Kubica.


That was as much Kubica's fault as Vettel's. Vettel already had his wheels up on the curb. I don't think he could have gone inside any more. Vettel was the man on the track today. No 'questionable' diffuser, no KERS, and he was on pace to finish 2nd. In fact, with a little more fuel/tire strategy, I think he could have finished first.


Hamilton did an amazing job as well. 18th to 3rd (5th if you don't count the Vettel/Kubica tussle) is a great run.

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That was as much Kubica's fault as Vettel's. Vettel already had his wheels up on the curb. I don't think he could have gone inside any more. Vettel was the man on the track today. No 'questionable' diffuser, no KERS, and he was on pace to finish 2nd. In fact, with a little more fuel/tire strategy, I think he could have finished first.


Hamilton did an amazing job as well. 18th to 3rd (5th if you don't count the Vettel/Kubica tussle) is a great run.


I agree. Both drivers were being agressive and both made mistakes.

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I thought it was one of the more entertaining F1 races I've seen in some time. Some of the new stuff I thought was a little dumb, but it made for great racing, passing, and a race that I watched without loosing interest.


Can't wait for more!




I agree. Last year's cars looked more like what I think a F1 car should look like (Wild examples of automotive tech.) But the new designs do make for more entertaining racing.


However, I also find Qualifying as much a part of the race as the race itself. It's like adding a TT to the main race. So I was never really bored with the old rules either.

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I agree. Last year's cars looked more like what I think a F1 car should look like (Wild examples of automotive tech.) But the new designs do make for more entertaining racing.


However, I also find Qualifying as much a part of the race as the race itself. It's like adding a TT to the main race. So I was never really bored with the old rules either.


Couldn't agree with you more. Qualifying has to be part of the experience. However last year qualifying was almost more enjoyable than the race as about the only passing done was in the pits through strategy. It's going to be a great season to enjoy under the new rules.

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