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I'm ready to race anyone who shows up to the track rental. I'll be on street tires and this will be my first drag racing attempt, so we will see how it goes. I'm already racing Paul and Dover. I'm down for whoever wants to go.


p.s. Rob is gay and slow. That is all.

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Straight line races. ... See if you can turn. A few of my buddies are coming out to autocross for my birthday so I'm getting some competition going. Mostly novices.


So lets see if some of the big talkers can do something other then a race that takes 3 honks. Because turning would be hard.


Here the terms. Best time of the day non corrected. 10$ buy in.


Shanton can you make that Little VW turn?

Sam My dubass forgot he told me why he could not. -FAIL

Paul - AWD > FWD

Anthony - Bring it.. I don't think you have a chance in hell of piloting that boat around.

v8beast - You don't even really race even straight line.

TurboRust - -1.5 Deegreees of ass whoooopin bring out that RX-7

Linn - There is no way on goods green earth your fbody can turn. you would fail.

hoblick - How many seconds should i spot you?

not brian - Another car that can't turn. Should have sticked with Subbies

bucky - I just wanna laugh at grandpa autocrossing.

spaceghost - I know you don't want to lose to a 2.0

doc - Bring that big MB's out. See if it can turn with the massager on. (NO LOTUS!)

Tilley - Do you even have a car ? No? Thought so.

Cavin - Ohh what toy could he drive? What ever he bring you Better bring R compunds

crawdad - That car can't turn whats it weigh 7000lbs?

pdpdqpdpdqpdpdg - Let me show you why you should have got a subie

White Alero - The same for you. Subbie > Jettta



Now since I know most of you will bitch out as you don't have a chance in hell, If you think you can smoke me and are a novice or seminovice lets do this.






why don't you see what thing can really do and take it to a real track like Mid-Ohio.

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Paul pwned me. AJ is one hell of a driver also.


I ran a 46. I strated the day at 48. Not bad for some 740 treadware allseasons and a noob driver. I had a abosulte blast and Paul got that mad loots

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