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Big-Tittied Australia


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I almost moved to Australia years ago. Recently, I almost moved to New Zealand for a job, as well. That was retracted/postponed due to the fuckin economy or I'd be posting from there, now. I blew it the first time (going to Aus), to what I can now admit to, due to a girl here. I was pretty young still. I was full of fail. :(
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The spider was not that bad. The web on the other hand was intimidating. It was 6 ft off the ground and span between trees. The tree's were at least 8 ft apart and the web was about 5 ft high. It looked more like a net at a batting cage, than a web. Then I saw the spider sitting at the bottom of the web. You know in Alians where the alian was clung to the guys face? It was that kind of big.



But the people there just have a great out look on things and are really friendly. I met a girl as soon as I got there and we stuck together the whole time. As for the guys I was with; well one of them was biting chicks on the ass after hooking up with them. He would tell us about it and we were like, you're full of shit. Then a week or so later another Marine was talking about this chick he hooked up with that had a huge bite mark bruise on her ass. LOL. Yeah, I'd say get there as soon as you can.

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