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So I've been walking Mo

Guest Eye_of_the_Beholder

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Guest Eye_of_the_Beholder

and oddly enough, with great success. This little guy thinks he is a dog!



I have been walking him with the dogs. and he goes all over with us.



We was walking threw the neighbor hood the other day, and we had a small dog charging at all of us. Well Brutus, stand's out in front of us and stands his ground and starts barking.(this scares most anyone) Well i look down and Mo is right there next to him sideways tail up all puffed up and acting like he was going to charge at the small dog. The small dog gets within 30 feet of us and realizes Brutus is not going to play nice. Huni sits down, and Brutus pull's me to the ground . Thankfully the little dog realized there was more then a cat there and pull's a 180 , quickly.

But today Rob thinks it would be funny to walk the dog's thru the pet store. so we took some pics. people was freaking out.


He love car ride's



I think he wants a pet mouse





Yeah i know, we are weird.

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Guest Eye_of_the_Beholder

Rob thinks he has been reincarnated. He will stare right threw/into you. It kind of freaks you out. But he try's to pick stuff up like he has thumbs.


And yes he talks. Black Evo Rob never seen it before. But Its seems when we try to get it on tape, it's like he knows we are trying to video him. Cause once the video is not recording he does it.:rolleyes:



Does he wag his tail?


More like he shakes it when he is happy or excited.

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Guest Eye_of_the_Beholder
he cackles too right? or is that a different one?


That's what i was referring to when i said he talks, but we can't get it on video :gtfo:


btw..i think your warranty is up.


WTF is that all about?

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Guest tbutera2112
That's what i was referring to when i said he talks, but we can't get it on video :gtfo:


btw..i think your warranty is up.


WTF is that all about?


someone changed my sig to that.... rob says thats the title of a spam email, although ive never gotten one.... probably because rob called me a scammer in my for sale thread, and then a admin saw and changed my sig lol

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Guest Eye_of_the_Beholder
god brutus's head is so hugeeeee ahhhh luckily i havent heard him really bark .... ide probably shit my self.


Next time you come over, Remind Rob to lock the glass door before you get here. Then just knock or ring the door bell. We have to lock it or He just opens it.:D I figure one of these days he is going to break it.


P.s. Never just walk in without Rob...Never.

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Guest tbutera2112
Next time you come over, Remind Rob to lock the glass door before you get here. Then just knock or ring the door bell. We have to lock it or He just opens it.:D I figure one of these days he is going to break it.


P.s. Never just walk in without Rob...Never.


i did this once.....


i would definately not advise it.... im lucky rob was like 5 feet away when i walked in lol

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reminds me of my cat Bacardi... she plays fetch, she sits and lays on command (well sometimes), she comes to 'dog whistling', and most un-catlike, she follows me from room to room (opposed to normal cats who do their own thing)
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Guest Eye_of_the_Beholder
i did this once.....


i would definately not advise it.... im lucky rob was like 5 feet away when i walked in lol


Not unless I have a ham sandwich. Like when that one kid was here. I can't control Brutus. Rob Controls him with his voice. I dont get it

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Guest tbutera2112
Not unless I have a ham sandwich. Like when that one kid was here. I can't control Brutus. Rob Controls him with his voice. I dont get it


not when i was there.... rob had to whoop a little ass to chill brutus out, and that didnt even work, he threw me a dog bone to feed him to get him to back off


i just come in through the garage now, and its all cool

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Guest Eye_of_the_Beholder
reminds me of my cat Bacardi... she plays fetch, she sits and lays on command (well sometimes), she comes to 'dog whistling', and most un-catlike, she follows me from room to room (opposed to normal cats who do their own thing)


Well we have 7 cats here. Smokey plays fetch, and all of them seem to follow you around at random times.

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Guest Eye_of_the_Beholder
not when i was there.... rob had to whoop a little ass to chill brutus out, and that didnt even work, he threw me a dog bone to feed him to get him to back off


i just come in through the garage now, and its all cool


Oh he was happy boy...yeah theres no fixing that other then a treat. Im talking about when he is pissed and barking...

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Guest tbutera2112
Oh he was happy boy...yeah theres no fixing that other then a treat. Im talking about when he is pissed and barking...


yea me too...the day i walked in without rob standing there...i thought i was gonna get mauled/devoured lol

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Guest Eye_of_the_Beholder
Yes ... scared the bejesuses outta me.


wasn't he high jumping when you was here as well?


yea me too...the day i walked in without rob standing there...i thought i was gonna get mauled/devoured lol


thats what scares me...I dont want to know what he will do to someone. In angry mode. Hell he can split a softball in 2 bites .

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Guest Removed
The jumping was pretty sweet actually, he was like flippin and shit, my cat just gets fat.


hell the big black long haired one, jump's higher and does flips, play's fetch and so on..he is the orginal cat/dog...


never got around to harness training him.

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Guest Removed

watch the vid's i posted..hes the black dog...and the other dog is the one that has started the base/soft ball destruction thing.


ill have to find the vid's of the dogs playing tug of war with the stuffed animals..they normally dont last more then 2 or 3 minutes

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