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Jury Duty

Dr. Apex

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Ben, I thin I remember you talking about this before, I hope it's the same for me!


Paul, your work must accomodate you as it's a public service so you get the time off that's neccessary. I just hope I actually get my normal work pay.

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Fairfield county. I checked with work, for the first 2 weeks I get full pay, then it goes to pay minus the $30/day the court pays me. I believe it's state law your employer has to pay you for at least a certain amount of time though I may be wrong.
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Fairfield county. I checked with work, for the first 2 weeks I get full pay, then it goes to pay minus the $30/day the court pays me. I believe it's state law your employer has to pay you for at least a certain amount of time though I may be wrong.

Unfortunately in Ohio, your employer doesn't have to pay you, but they do have to give you the time off work. I just went through all of this not too long ago.

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You won't have to go if your work won't compensate you during your time off. If your work won't compensate you then you'll have to get a letter from them and send it in.


I've had to do that before. My current employer would pay my wages but I haven't got another one of those yet. I really wouldn't mind doing jury duty. It'll be like a vacation.

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Interesting, so at least if my work won't pay then I can likely get out of it, works for me. I'm skeptical about doing it but curious at the same time as I've always wondered what it's like to be in that situation of possibly deciding someones fate.
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You won't have to go if your work won't compensate you during your time off. If your work won't compensate you then you'll have to get a letter from them and send it in.


I've had to do that before. My current employer would pay my wages but I haven't got another one of those yet. I really wouldn't mind doing jury duty. It'll be like a vacation.


This is exactly what I had to do.....I guess it was easier to send a letter than go without a paycheck.

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