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shorts and ankle socks...gsxr 600.

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double u tee efffffff!!! it was 59 degrees today when i saw this nice piece of work, too cold for shorts, let alone riding in them. your khaki shorts, baby gap t-shirt, fake channel sunglasses, ankle socks and pumas sure looked cool. what are you going to do when you go down wearing gear like that? the girls at easton called you gay when you piped them, i heard them say it. i poop things bigger than the biceps you were trying to show off. and when i was pointing at my head and giving you the thumbs down, i was trying to ask you where your helmet was? i wasnt waving or flirting with you.


i dont know why this bothers me so much now. i could care less last season. i hate what happened to kenny, and i dont know about anybody else that rides on here, but i can honestly say i ride differently now. how does this douche get away with this crap? ok...really...how???


flame off.



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i wear shorts and ride.. but i do wear a helment.... but i dont get out there flying in traffic but geans isnt going to stop anything if u go down on the freeway or anything

i wrecked my bike 2 years ago going about 45 got road rash on my knee and shoulder with a icon jacket on and pants but i had a helment on and got good road rash on it witch was good...... but im in no way trying to get in a pissing mach with u... but next time take a pic of said fag so we can still laugh at it

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