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Have you even had them like that before?


Hate strawberries. The little seeds are like eating sand.


Fruit flavors with waffle = BAD, MmmKay? Maple Syrup only. I will admit that I prefer fake syrup (Aunt Jemima Butter Lite FTW) over real maple. Dunno why, since I'm a New Englander. But I think it's because it doesn't have as sharp of a taste.


I'm also really picky about Maple flavor. Only on Pancakes and Waffles. I hate it on anything else (Donuts, candy, ham/bacon cures).


I'm a bit of a purist when it comes to the food I eat. Complex food with tons of ingredients just seem confused. I like my flavors well defined and well developed. For instance, I hate when raspberries are combined with chocolate, say in cake or otherwise. Why muddy the great, complex flavors of chocolate with a strong conflicting fruit flavor?


Don't get me wrong, I love my grape jelly PB&Js, raspberry icecream, hell just give me a knife and a Granny Smith Apple and I'm happy.

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You may be crazy for despising strawberries. Waffles are best with either fruit, fruit syrup, or a combo of the two, mkay?


I will eat fucking anything. Fake syrup looks like someone spit in a bottle and put it on the shelf for sale.


Maple doughnuts are a love/hate thing, they are the greatest sometimes, but other times taste like ass.


You need to stop being so picky with your food choices. Are you an adventurous eater at all?

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