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My Pimp Hand

V8 Beast

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Your use of needless antibiotics is slowly decreasing the effectiveness of all antibiotics including those used to treat severe, and even fatal illnesses. Your pimp hand should give itself a slap for being so reckless.
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Your use of needless antibiotics is slowly decreasing the effectiveness of all antibiotics including those used to treat severe, and even fatal illnesses. Your pimp hand should give itself a slap for being so reckless.


Quoting to prove your pimp hand is dirty and weak.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Update: My pimp hand is also free of teh swine flu.




If I need to be a sponsor to advertise my pimpage please let me know.


Need pictures of pimp hand before I consider.

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Your pimp hand is full of swine flu..


How dare you try to bad talk my bitness so yooz can take my hoes!!!!


Sam doesnt give his hoes the option for 401k and they are currently considering unionizing! Going to him is just bad bitness!

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