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Watching Silva fight or watching paint dry??


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Nowadays I am not sure which is more interesting. The FUCK is his problem lately, seriously. What a waste of time. Also, I think Liddell needs to retire.


Silva got fucked by a VERY bad opponent. That guy was fighting not to get his face beat in.


Liddell does not need to retire, he is being forced to.


Kongo has won 3 in a row, his next fight will be a beat down from Brock


Stann did exactly what he did not need to do, go to his back and get put in a kamora. That is all the "polish fucktard" has....


Now the next Title fight will be fun! Can't wait to see Evans get his punk ass beat

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Silva is showing the UFC that he can win by not even fighting. He is going to retire after either his next fight or 2 fights.


Chuck does need to hang it up. He has lost what now his last 3 out of 4 or 4 out of 5? Once the most feared man in MMA is now the punching bag for everyone


Kongo should've already gotten a title shot imo, if he gets one he will get beat by Lesnar lol.


I dont like either Rampage or Rashad, but I will be pulling for Rampage

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Silva is showing the UFC that he can win by not even fighting. He is going to retire after either his next fight or 2 fights.


Chuck does need to hang it up. He has lost what now his last 3 out of 4 or 4 out of 5? Once the most feared man in MMA is now the punching bag for everyone


Kongo should've already gotten a title shot imo, if he gets one he will get beat by Lesnar lol.


I dont like either Rampage or Rashad, but I will be pulling for Rampage


Yea you could see silva getting frustrated when the guy kept diving on the ground and laying on his back. He will be either bumping up to 205 next or they are going to let him and GSP beat on each other.


Chuck can't beat the best of the best so Chuck is going to retire.


Kongo has gotten better since he got beat by heath hearing so he will get a shot or will fight carwin


Rampage will not have a shot for a while. Evans has to fight Machita first and that is not going to end will for his punk ass.

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Yea you could see silva getting frustrated when the guy kept diving on the ground and laying on his back.



Fuck that. They did nothing the whole first rd....either of em. All the others Silva was dancing and Leites was on his damn back..What a BS fight that was. I think Evans got lucky with that shot to Liddell, but he got it. That made his stock go up. He's going to get his ass kicked soon. He's a pretty fighter, too. All the BS movement.

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Fuck that. They did nothing the whole first rd....either of em. All the others Silva was dancing and Leites was on his damn back..What a BS fight that was. I think Evans got lucky with that shot to Liddell, but he got it. That made his stock go up. He's going to get his ass kicked soon. He's a pretty fighter, too. All the BS movement.


Silva's game is the counter strike. Look what he did to that poor fuck in his fight at 205. Dude tried a leg kick and had a straight right dinner followed by some ground and pound fun.


Leites tried a leg kick Silva caught it but missed on the punch. If he lands that punch we are talking about Leites needs a good dentist.


Evans has good hands but what about if the fight goes to the ground? He leans VERY heavy on his striking and knock outs. Machita is a very well rounded fighter and Evans could have some issues.

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Nowadays I am not sure which is more interesting. The FUCK is his problem lately, seriously. What a waste of time. Also, I think Liddell needs to retire.


+1 that fight was pretty damn boring.


Liddell really does need to retire. He just seems like he can't hang with these younger guys, always seems tired after 3 mins.

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All Lidell needs is another match against Tito to get his groove back!


Is anyone for throwing out the weight classes and letting Lesnar go against Silva. I mean, it would be fun!! And who wouldn't pay to see that!




I don't know if Lidell is going to retire, he still seems like a huge draw for PPV.......but who knows.

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All Lidell needs is another match against Tito to get his groove back!


Is anyone for throwing out the weight classes and letting Lesnar go against Silva. I mean, it would be fun!! And who wouldn't pay to see that!




I don't know if Lidell is going to retire, he still seems like a huge draw for PPV.......but who knows.


Lesnar would kill Silva a lot would not even go a full round. Lidell is just done he needs to stop now before he ends up on more guys highlight reels.


Tito is full of so much fail. Why do you think he is not fighting? Machita made him look like the bitch he really is.


Now you want to talk great fighters YouTube Fedor /questions on best pound for pound fighter in the world.

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Now Fedor vs Lesnar would be a very interesting fight. Just the size difference would be fucking funny.


Fedor will be in the UFC in a year or less. White has been working on this for a while now and i think it will happen.


Now based on the way things are going you are going to see a Super Heavyweight division very soon. Lesnar and Bobby Lashley are changing the game they are freaks, things that big should not be that quick. UFC is also working on trying to get ex NFL guys in the heavyweight ranks to try and get more talent in there.


Now I got to meet frank mir (lesnars next fight) and he is a big guy. Brock makes him look like a little kid.


Bottom line Fedor best pound for pound. Lesnar learns more he will be right up there.

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