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People of "OnetoEnvy" Party. 4/18/09


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You just kinda disappeared and left them in my cooler= fair game. If it makes you feel any better, i didn't enjoy drinking it too much

no that doesn't make me feel better! drew and I were out in the parking lot by our cars and the cops told us we had to leave now

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Screw you guys! I was laughing also it was funny! But Jas if i hit you my bad wasnt intentional i swear but i didnt see no one else putting on the gloves :eek:


And i was the one spotted the chicks snagging beers! Oh and craig this is for you!!





BTW black in the hat, anyone ever tell ya you look like a struck match? that's for drinking my shit and taking pic's to rub it in :asshole:



j/k :D

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hahaha so gay


AHAHAHAA I'm not saying anything on this one. But you know what I'm thinking Craig.;)


No smiling, that makes it gay.



zach was talking about the girl i was with, we've been talking for awhile but only dated for 1 month now, and she's saying "I love you" :eek:

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