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Quick joke


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A man says to his wife, honey let me cum in your ear. Shocked at his question, she replies with a no. He asks why not, she tells him she could go deaf or something. He pauses for a second and says bullshit, I cum in your mouth and you never shut the fuck up.


funny as hell

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A man says to his wife, honey let me cum in your ear. Shocked at his question, she replies with a no. He asks why not, she tells him she could go deaf or something. He pauses for a second and says bullshit, I cum in your mouth and you never shut the fuck up.


You're a comedian and you didn't even know it :)

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Two strawberries are sitting in a bathtub, one says "Pass the soap." The other one says, "What do I look like, a type writer?"


:funny: :funny: :funny: :funny: :funny: :funny: :funny: :funny: :funny: :funny:

+ rep for you sir!!!

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Guest Melanie

3 men are at the gates of heaven. God tells them "There is only enough room for 2 of you, so whichever 2 has the best stories will be let in."


So the first man starts. "Well I was drinking on top of a building and fell off the edge. I fell far but caught myself on the 13th floor window sill. As I thought I was going to die, I see a man in the kitchen window. He comes towards me quickly and smashes my fingers with a hammer. I fell to the bushes and then a refrigerator fell on me."


God replies, "That's one crazy story. How about you?"


So the second man says "I just got home from work and I can smell sex all throughout my wife and I's apartment. The bitch is naked and I'm looking everywhere for the guy. Just as I'm about to give up, I see the bastard hanging out the window so I smash his fingers with a hammer. To make sure I got him I threw the fridge out after him. Well all the rage gave me a heart attack and I died."


God says to the third man, "Well that's another interesting story." God asks the third man, "What happened to you?"


"Well, I was hiding in a refrigerator..."

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