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Urban Dictionary Only!!!!


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Alright time to see what we can come up with.


Instead of linking, please just copy and paste 1 article from whatever words you come up with.


Me first


"Cleveland Steamer"

The cleveland steamer is far more specific than the listings I have seen here. A sexual act by nature (fetish) the cleveland steamer is when one person craps on another person's chest and (very important) then sits down and rocks back and forth like a steam roller.


Billy had just gotten out of the shower, so me and John gave min a cleveland steamer.


"Roman Helmet"

While they are passed out, gently and inconspicuously place your fleshy bag on their forehead while carefully laying down your dudemeat down the bridge of their nose in parallel fashion


"Gary passed out, so we all took turns fitting him for a roman helmet"

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Alright time to see what we can come up with.


Instead of linking, please just copy and paste 1 article from whatever words you come up with.


Me first


"Cleveland Steamer"

The cleveland steamer is far more specific than the listings I have seen here. A sexual act by nature (fetish) the cleveland steamer is when one person craps on another person's chest and (very important) then sits down and rocks back and forth like a steam roller.


Billy had just gotten out of the shower, so me and John gave min a cleveland steamer.


"Roman Helmet"

While they are passed out, gently and inconspicuously place your fleshy bag on their forehead while carefully laying down your dudemeat down the bridge of their nose in parallel fashion


"Gary passed out, so we all took turns fitting him for a roman helmet"


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Alaskan Firedragon



When a man is just about to ejaculate while recieving oral sex, he pushes down the woman's head, leans in and says something shocking such as "I have herpes." The woman will choke and try to pull back. The man then ejaculates into the back of her throat while she is choking, forcing the semen through her nostrils. This is similar to laughing while drinking milk.

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The act of ejaculating into a cup, mixing sugar in with the said semen, pouring the sugary semen mix over one's penis, and engaging in anal sex.


"Dude, we were buttsugaring over the weekend. She was totally into it."




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Angry Pirate

When a man is receiving head while standing and his partner on their knees. Just before he ejaculates in his partners mouth, he pulls out and shoots his load in his partners eye. This will cause his partner to shut the eye with the semen in it. When the partner jumps up in anger, the man when kicks his partner in the shin, causing the partner to jump up and down holding the kicked leg and screaming "ARRRGHH!" in pain.


"I got back at that cheating bitch by giving her the angry pirate just before I broke up with her!"

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