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Dr. Apex

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They said there are open ones out there but they supposedly less accurate, I would of had no problem with that as I was in probably to my waist as well.


A stress test sounds like hell though I couldn't relax anyway as I didn't like being in there at all, that was stress enough for me.

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Psht, all of you guys had it easy. Try taking a stress test while in one. Its literally, and physically impossible to sleep when there's artificial adrenaline pumping into your IV to spike your heart rate. Needless to say I was in head first down to my waste and my heart was pounding the whole time while listening to the morning zoo.


I dont know what drug they used to calm me down but that almost made me vomit immediatly. Worst medical test of my life.


The one I described earlier WAS a full blown stress test, Barium IV and all. I had to carry a radioactive notice card for 3 days in case I went to an airport or set off an alarm. Passed with flying colors!

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I got my results today, I have tendonitis in my rotator cuff. Physical therapy should help but I don't know enough to know what to expect with this and if I'll ever heal fully.


Anyone have this or had it?? What did you go through with it??

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