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This is how I feel right now

V8 Beast

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i sat in the corner of my room, sweating from frustration/sexual tension clicking on the refresh button until the pad on my index finger was rubbed off. Somehow i drifted to sleep but when i woke up i was in the middle of a corn field with Vaseline all over my butt.
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i sat in the corner of my room, sweating from frustration/sexual tension clicking on the refresh button until the pad on my index finger was rubbed off. Somehow i drifted to sleep but when i woke up i was in the middle of a corn field with Vaseline all over my butt.


Well ain't that a bitch.....

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You should see me from all the sun I have gotten. I am just chillen inside right now eating. Headin back out here shortly.


I believe you, concrete work is no joke. I joke with alot of people about not having a job, but i do, i have many actually....it keeps me entertained. Im landscaping today and in an office tomorrow!

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So of you guys need to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather we are having.


I work inside from 12:30 to 8:30, pretty much right when they took down the site. I was going out of my mind at work all day because we're really slow right now, and no CR. It was TORTURE!

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i sat in the corner of my room, sweating from frustration/sexual tension clicking on the refresh button until the pad on my index finger was rubbed off. Somehow i drifted to sleep but when i woke up i was in the middle of a corn field with Vaseline all over my butt.



It was astroglide.

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yea i didnt know it was down. lol


I saw the notice this morning, checked a little later and it was back online so I didn't know how long it was out. I wasn't online for most of the day yesterday so I must have missed it.

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I havnt been on since day 2 of the drama... got on today and saw the kitchen was gone, got back in the kitchen to read what happened.... wtf... I am still clueless on what was done on Craigslist tho... but any ways glad to see I always miss the high point of drama.
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So of you guys need to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather we are having.


If you can make the sun shine in the am when I am off work I would man love you so hard it would make you cry a single man tear!

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