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changes to the forum?


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With the site being down yesterday, did you guys change any thing on the pages that would affect how some thing would load? i always view the forum from my g1 phone an never ever had a problem with viewing anything. But when the site went down an came back up everything is out of wack for instance when you hit new posts on the very left Therese usually an envelope now its jut a blue question mark an then the name of the thread is in the middle of the page with big gaps to the point where i have to scroll side way to even see who posted it an such. also while in the thread the avatars aren't always loading as well as the info (name car location ect) i thought maybe this could just be my phone but the same thing happen on my buddy's all mighty (gay) iphone. its never happened in the past just wondering if anything was changed or maybe our phones are just having a homo spell?
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