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Gas Prices.....


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Summer, Memorial Day, North Korea and their dumb shit. On top of all the other B.S. the oil companys pull, everytime there is a world event they use it as an excuse to raise prices. Watch prices the next something big happens.
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Summer, Memorial Day, North Korea and their dumb shit. On top of all the other B.S. the oil companys pull, everytime there is a world event they use it as an excuse to raise prices. Watch prices the next something big happens.


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The big problem are the oil speculators. They buy and sell crude oil and drive the prices. You'd think they learned their lesson when oil prices crashed, but they can get in and out and make a buck so quickly that they think they can avoid getting caught in the next one.


If you know an oil speculator, kick him in the nuts.


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supply and demand, they will always try to push up the price and if people keep buying it at the same volume they will keep pushing the prices up.


yep it's a lets see if they notice, how far can we push them kind of thing.

when gas went up and suddenly americans drove 78 million less miles thats when they said "well i think they noticed"

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