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finally........... show pics!!!!!

kawi kid

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7 hours....At that show?!? :eek: You must've sat on every single bike.....twice! ;)

We spent half that time the first time we went, 4 years ago.....And it was probably a third bigger that year. Plus they had a Sony Playstation trailer w/ bigscreens that you could sit & play video games in....Not that I spent any time in there, mind you!! :rolleyes::D

Nah, I talked to the Ducati girls alot! Then there was the beer line. It was behind the Harley's go figure.

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I love you Gays.

I see Jase is tellin' bedroom stories about me again!! roflmao.gif


i thought he was looking to see if the door was wide enough so he could get fonze's mother-in-law into it :lol:
actually it was to see if we could lift you and your chair into it.....then get the keys for ya....:D
I call "Shotgun"!! :cool:
Ohio Rider, Full Metal Jacket Style.


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