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Washington D.C....?


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I am leaving columbus in about 20 minutes and flying to D.C. for work I am lucky enough to be one of the guys selected to stay there for a month or so, that being said what is there to do there besides all the monuments and that stuff?


Any things that are a must see and any local hot spots that are good? I will be living in an apartment in the downtown area with my buddy from high school who is going with me as well (also works with me) so yea any tips or anything about this place I have never been before.

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Well, "the monuments and all that stuff" could take up quite a lot of your free time if you enjoy history or government. The Smithsonian alone could occupy a year of your time if you wanted to see it all.


If you look through http://www.washington.org you can find updated listings for what's going on and there's a free insider's travel guide.


Right off the bat, I'd get used to using the Metro, maybe even get a good detailed map of the city with the Metro stops marked.


I enjoy exploring the shops and cafes of Dupont Circle. Even if you just sit near the Circle for 10 minutes, you'll see a parade of every type of person you can imagine and see a few that you couldn't have imagined.


It can be a great month for you if you get out and explore.

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It is a dirty city though. You have to take the good with the bad. As Doc said, the monuments and various memorials will take up a vast majority of your time.


Being the capital city, there are places to get every kind of food that you could ever possibly imagine eating. There are also tons of photo ops if you're into the whole picture taking thing. ;)


I have not been there for what is going on 4 years, but I REALLY want to go back in the near future now that I am old enough to actually appreciate it.

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Downtown is boring, you can only see but so many attractions. Like stated, go to Georgetown, a lot of nice stores there and a line of Universities there. Too bad they are all done for the summer though, you would see more hot babes. I'll be back in Germantown in less than 2 weeks if your still there I can show you the hot spots. My friends and I usually stay in the MoCo(Montgomery County) area. Rio, kentlands, Potomac areas are nice if you want to check out some of the nice houses. Just let me know.
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Old Town Alexandria is cool as well and metro accessible with a little bit of a walk. I live near there and pretty much live right outside of it during the week as I stay at my g/f's place in VA. There is tons to do and the monuments are cool and you apprecaite them but there is a decent nightlife there as well.


Georgetown, Adams Morgan, Chinatown, etc...


You should go to a metro station that sells a smart trip as it would be better for you if you're going to be here a month. The paper tickets suck and ruin easily.

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Thanks guys I have only been out here two days and have been pretty busy with work but its a pretty cool place to an extent, real nice parts, and real terrible dirty broke ass parts university of maryland is right down the street seems like ill be rocking out there this weekend if not in nyc or ocean city.
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