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OMG I just laughed my ass off.



If your a consertive 6k christian just close this thread now. If you want to watch some good funny here ya go.




If you think this is wrong why not look up the verses yourself God I just had a good hardy chuckle.

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Bill' date='why are you so infatuated with smearing the christian faith?[/quote']


That is a plausible question, however, I feel a good enough job was done by itself ("itself" being Christians, the Bible, or the religion, etc.) regarding the particular passages this video refers to.

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It was quite amusing as I was watching this earlier this afternoon and a couple of guys from the Church of Later Day Saints (or W/E their name tags said) knocked on my door and I had to yell at my dog Loki to stop barking. I do not think I will be seeing them for awhile.
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Bill' date='why are you so infatuated with smearing the christian faith?[/quote']


The hilarity in it is that Thorne claims religious people try to jam religion down his throat, yet here we are again with yet another religion-themed Thorne thread.

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Bill' date='why are you so infatuated with smearing the christian faith?[/quote']


The hilarity in it is that Thorne claims religious people try to jam religion down his throat, yet here we are again with yet another religion-themed Thorne thread.



He is just upset that he is the one person that Jesus DOES NOT love.





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The hilarity in it is that Thorne claims religious people try to jam religion down his throat, yet here we are again with yet another religion-themed Thorne thread.


Even if Thorne can be a bit heavy-handed about his approach regarding this subject sometimes, I would hardly equate him starting a thread with a joke poking fun at some of Christianity's most obvious hypocrisies, with "jamming down throat", especially when he warns people that this thread topic very well may offend.


He is just upset that he is the one person that Jesus DOES NOT love.







No argument there ... bwahahaha.

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Even if Thorne can be a bit heavy-handed about his approach regarding this subject sometimes, I would hardly equate him starting a thread with a joke poking fun at some of Christianity's most obvious hypocrisies, with "jamming down throat", especially when he warns people that this thread topic very well may offend.

Quick to forget, eh? Go look at Thorne's religious threads compared to "pro religion". Quite a difference.

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I won't like I take pleasure at laughing at ANY complete and utter hyprocrsy . I even noted to not click.


To answer the questions Why do I like to smear them?

I did not make this video but I found it funny. If your concerned that its a smear look up the passages yourself.



Thers a awesome one in psalms about bushing babys into rocks. Thats one of my top all time passages.

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Quick to forget, eh? Go look at Thorne's religious threads compared to "pro religion". Quite a difference.


You're missing my point, making a thread on an internet forum that you don't have to read, in any way shape or form, hardly constitutes "jamming your agenda down someones throat". He even gave fair warning to anyone who might be offended by the subject material. They don't have to read the thread or hit the link.


Like I said before, I agree Thorne can be abrasive when it comes to expressing his opinion on this particular subject, but regardless, you don't have to read it. You can hit the "ignore" button and set free the Thorne from your side(terrible pun I know). I don't see him out trying to pass laws that would effect the religious specifically, or take away their right to practice their religion. Knockin on your door when you're eating dinner. Passing out tracts ... etc.


Thusly I have reworked a song featured in The Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror VI.


Paul Anka: To stop those Thornes 1-2-3,

Here's a fresh new way that's trouble-free,

It's got Paul Anka's guarantee...

Lisa: Guarantee void in Tennessee.


All: Just Don't Click Just Don't Click

Just Don't Click Just Don't Click

Just Don't Click Just Don't Click

Edited by sol740
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BTW I've never once knock on someones door to express my beliefs. I post online in forums that people have the freewill to read or not read.


You're missing my point, making a thread on a internet forum that you don't have to read, in any way shape or form, hardly constitutes "jamming your agenda down someones throat". He even gave fair warning to anyone who might be offended by the subject material. They don't have to read the thread or hit the link.


Like I said before, I agree Thorne can be abrasive when it comes to expressing his opinion on this particular subject, but regardless, you don't have to read it. You can hit the "ignore" button and set free the Thorne from your side(terrible pun I know). I don't see him out trying to pass laws that would effect the religious specifically, or take away their right to practice their religion. Knockin on your door when you're eating dinner. Passing out tracts ... etc.


Thusly I have reworked a song featured in The Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror VI.


Paul Anka: To stop those Thornes 1-2-3,

Here's a fresh new way that's trouble-free,

It's got Paul Anka's guarantee...

Lisa: Guarantee void in Tennessee.


All: Just Don't Click Just Don't Click

Just Don't Click Just Don't Click

Just Don't Click Just Don't Click


I'm nearly certain that nobody is forcing you to answer your door, listen, consider, convert to any religion, etc. What Thorne does on the internet is analogous to any door-to-door convert agent. I'm not religious, so I'm not offended and don't mind hearing any of his rambling. I would rather hear no religious references at all. It seems the anti-religion peeps are willing to post/laugh at religion yet get offended when a religious person posts anything about religion.

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I'm nearly certain that nobody is forcing you to answer your door, listen, consider, convert to any religion, etc. What Thorne does on the internet is analogous to any door-to-door convert agent. I'm not religious, so I'm not offended and don't mind hearing any of his rambling. I would rather hear no religious references at all. It seems the anti-religion peeps are willing to post/laugh at religion yet get offended when a religious person posts anything about religion.


While I see your point, I would argue the main difference is when I am at home, I'm not amongst the general public, therefore I do not see a thread on the internet being analogous to door-to-door, as that is being conducted on private property and not an airport, or bus-station or what have you. I would count myself amongst the "anti-religious", if you will, in the sense that should I see something online I find to be interesting, or curious I may provide an offsetting counterpoint. Which to me is fair game, if the material in posted in full public view(forum, chatroom), I would never walk up to a strangers house and lecture them on the "evils of religion" with no specific invitation to do so. Nor would I lobby to have others to have to acknowledge (not believe) *whatever* without some kind of scientific study/information to backup my claims.

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