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Rob and Gearheadz Automotive


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Just wanted to throw a thanks out there to Rob at Gearheadz automotive. A guy at my church was telling someone that his Suburban blew up and he was looking to buy another one but was not sure where he was going to get the money. He has 6 kids and has to have a Suburban or similar vehicle and with the economy was not sure what to do. I talked to him for a bit and thought it was probably a blown head gasket but he had driven for a while on it so it could have been worse. Long story short, I recommended he contact Rob before replacing the vehicle. I talked to the guy at church today and he had nothing but good things to say about Rob. The Suburban is fixed and the customer could not be happier - he said he was looking for a "fair and straight" deal and Rob went above and beyond. Keep up the good work Rob and I know your business will be a success!
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thank you for the referral, and i'm glad he is happy. that is the most pleasing part of my job and the most rewarding part of it. granted the truck does have some other minor issues, but not anything major that would need to be addressed right away. and i think everyone is happy it was no where near as bad as he/we thought it could have been.
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I will after I pick the car up :p


not if i dont let you..fucking wake me up you (*^(*& ^#%$@ ^&^ &*(&^#


and what about all the other times you've picked it up :p or th other one for that matter.:p

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