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Cell Phone Spam??


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Are you receiving messages on your cell phone from senders you don't know?:mad::mad::mad:

For example, someone's email sending you spam? to your cell phone? This can cost you money wether you open it or not. :mad::mad:

Depending on what sort of text messaging plan you have.

There is a way to block it. ;)

Here are the steps for verizon....

Go to www.vtext.com

If you haven't created an online account, you will need to do so.

Once you sign in click preferences.

click text blocking

You are given three yes or no selections at the top of the page....

Block all messages from email Select Yes

Block all messages from the web Select Yes

Allow Messages to my nickname Select Yes

Scroll down and hit save.

Now setup your nickname...

Click Preferences again

Click Nickname

Click Edit Nickname

Then type your Nickname in the field provided.

Click Save Nickname

Here is the article in the New York Times


I don't know the procedures for the other carriers. :confused:So you might want to check out the link.

You could probably go to your local carrier store and have them do it for you.;)

Edited by Cdubyah
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be careful with the cell phone nick name thing on vtext. my ex set hers to beth and for weeks was gettin hundreds of texts a day from random number, california to dc. Didnt make the connection for a few weeks soon as she got rid of the nickname the texts stopped.

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