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Ticket help?


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Welp first 100 miles on the bike are always a good one. Got a 100 in a 65 today over in sweet speed trap at Easton on 270. It says he has me paced at 100 but I never saw him behind me. At most I was doing 75 because just before him I saw his buddy on a bike lasering people so I slowed down. He than came roaring up on me with his lights on and I pulled over. He says he paced me doing 100 (bullshit). My court date is on the 26th. How good are my chances of fighting this and winning. I showed him my Mil ID and my Police card my mom gave me since she is a cop. Fucking highway partol can suck my dick. Any advice here would be greatly appreciated. What is the find for 35 over anyway?
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Welp first 100 miles on the bike are always a good one. Got a 100 in a 65 today over in sweet speed trap at Easton on 270. It says he has me paced at 100 but I never saw him behind me. At most I was doing 75 because just before him I saw his buddy on a bike lasering people so I slowed down. He than came roaring up on me with his lights on and I pulled over. He says he paced me doing 100 (bullshit). My court date is on the 26th. How good are my chances of fighting this and winning. I showed him my Mil ID and my Police card my mom gave me since she is a cop. Fucking highway partol can suck my dick. Any advice here would be greatly appreciated. What is the find for 35 over anyway?


it should say on the envelope they gave you mabey no envelope due to having to appear in court) i belive that 35 over is condidered reckless operation. whats your preveious record look like?you can try to plead down to a lesser sentence if you agree to pay the full amount of fines?


your moms a cop ask her genious


edit: nice way to break in a busa lol

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IF he ONLY wrote you a speeding ticket, I would pay it and mark it up to all the times you did not get caught.


I recently got "Paced" in my subbie. I was so pissed off, I was not speeding and I know for a fact I was not. my 2nd gear can't speed on the freeway. The cops rational was he had to go 80 to catch up to me. Well if your not moving and I can get to 60 in lets call it 5 seconds since I was already moving slowly. Your going to have to go quick to catch me.


I gave the cop my FOP Card which is from my dad , He said he didn't care.


To be honest I've slowly moved from the police are here to help to the police are here to justify there jobs by writing fucking tickets. I hate when I see some bitch cut me off or even worse almost run me off the fucking road on my bike and the cop who is 3 lanes over don't do shit


BTW I know we have some cops on here and from what I've seen they are the cops who are not Traffic Nazi's.

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did it state you were requied to go to court or were you able to jsut pay the ticket? i doubt the judge is gonna move if they claim you were going a 100... lol ide pay it an take it as it is cause youll pay more in the end if you try to fight it,
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it should say on the envelope they gave you mabey no envelope due to having to appear in court) i belive that 35 over is condidered reckless operation. whats your preveious record look like?you can try to plead down to a lesser sentence if you agree to pay the full amount of fines?


your moms a cop ask her genious


edit: nice way to break in a busa lol


As long as he didn't write you for wreckless on the spot then I'm pretty sure you're safe from them adding it down the road.


back in the day I got a 92 in a 65 3 weeks after I got out of court for my wreckless date and I was thankful that all he wrote me for was the speed.

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Did you have a Yellow and black bike going south on 270 right around the Easton exit?


I think it would have been around 8 am this morning. Saw someone pull over a bike like that and the driver was in the car.

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If you were not going 100mph I would call the department like right and have them pull the video from the cruiser showing him pacing you doing 100mph since he did not show you the radar or laser.... and tell them you will be fighting it so you want them to bring the video to prove the 100 in a 65. But only if you were NOT doing 100 lol.... but this is what I would do seeing this as being my only shot at getting out of it...
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if its just speed then your best bet is to probably just pay up. If in fact they do prove it (most likely they were probably going a bit faster than you, despite what the camera in traffic looks like), your getting the book
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There are tricks to beating the ticket...


You can plead not guilty, which, will require an additional court date, it is possible the the citing officer won't show up, either work schedule won't allow it, or prior court dates won't.


If he does show, you can always plead if you want at that time. As far as reckless, they would have to "prove" that you were reckless, speed, no matter how fast, doesn't justify reckless operation, there have to be additional circumstances, i.e., weaving, wheelies, a crash etc..


Now, if you want to piss the court and judge off, when they ask you how you plea, tell them you wish to stand mute, in which case they have to enter a plea for you, you won't earn any points, but you will make them scratch their heads and go WTF?


It's tough to beat a statie on a speed, but a fucking "pace", I'll throw the bullshit flag on that. Get a attorney, make them prove calibration on their equipment, if he paced you, he's going to have a hard time proving that his speedo was certified at the time prior and post to the citation. It is possible that he verified it with his radar, and logged it, that is legal, but doubtful that it was done.


Good luck, let us know how it turns out.



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had he written you a wreckless op ticket this conversation would be different and you would be happy to get the wreckless opp taken off and to just pay for the speeding so i would pay it cuz the lawyer would cost more.


the last time i got pulled over from him pacing me it was the opposite of you me slowing from 140 after beating a MS4 camaro he said 80 wrote me a wreckless opp and i told him i have to many points and if he could take the wreckless opp off and he said he would if i just promised to pay the ticket and not fight it. so i did

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goodluck, a lawyer might get you out of the points, but that is about it. If you do go to court wear this shirt.



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I got my 113 in a 65, did not get reckless... got a lawyer to fight it, pleaded not guilty... went to second court date... cop showed up... judge didn't give me any lee way... had to pay full fine, court fees, and $400 for a lawyer who didn't do jack shit! So Good Luck with what ever you do... but there is no sure way of geting out of it...
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whats the number to the courts or does anyone know how much the fees will be


ive got the list of all the tickets out there at home( got pulled over a few weeks ago) ill text you when i get home with it. an the number... what court is it for?

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There are tricks to beating the ticket...


You can plead not guilty, which, will require an additional court date, it is possible the the citing officer won't show up, either work schedule won't allow it, or prior court dates won't.


If he does show, you can always plead if you want at that time. As far as reckless, they would have to "prove" that you were reckless, speed, no matter how fast, doesn't justify reckless operation, there have to be additional circumstances, i.e., weaving, wheelies, a crash etc..


Now, if you want to piss the court and judge off, when they ask you how you plea, tell them you wish to stand mute, in which case they have to enter a plea for you, you won't earn any points, but you will make them scratch their heads and go WTF?


It's tough to beat a statie on a speed, but a fucking "pace", I'll throw the bullshit flag on that. Get a attorney, make them prove calibration on their equipment, if he paced you, he's going to have a hard time proving that his speedo was certified at the time prior and post to the citation. It is possible that he verified it with his radar, and logged it, that is legal, but doubtful that it was done.


Good luck, let us know how it turns out.





I would listen to this advice :D


Also, remember, your INSURANCE might not like a 100 mph ticket ;) So.... I would fight it. Might cost you more up front, but it could pay off in the long run.





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