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And thats why I never questioned your faith when we talked about it. I respected your belief and carried on as you did not try to tount it as science or anything else. You stated you had faith and you were secure in it and I respected that.


Thanks buddy :) if anybody could ever talk me into doing stuff it would be you, lolz.


Edit: I ownzzz page 3 dog!

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WHY do you keep attacking HIM and HIS beliefs?






Because he feels very strongly about them and feels they should be taught IE Creationism.


They reason I attack him is because I hope to show him that he may not be right and that he should not expect laws and things to be built around his beliefs.


As much as some people hate to hear it the usa is not a christian nation. Religious freedom includes having no religion at all. But to many times in schools and laws that is not represented.


Basicly I see him as the only person of that though process I can actually question challenge and communicate with. Now he's got me on ignore so thats no longer the case.


The problem here is honestly if you attack 1 sect of christianity which i will openly admit I am all christians take offense. I have no intetion to insult all christians . I'm very specfic on the target here but people don't see that.



Here are things I feel christanity does GOOD.


1. It gives people hope

2. It teaches people to forgive

3. It promote charity

4. It does have some good parables


I do feel religion in itself is not a bad things. ITs the extermeists that take it to far.


I don't want to insult all christians I want to challange some of them to think about there extremely word for word beliefs.



Like I've said This is not a attack on christianity.


Whats saddening is if we took the 6k christians renamed them to say Scientologists or maybe Muslims or anything else changed some of the names so it would not match the standard christian bible more people would agree with what I'm saying.


There is a stigma around christinainy in a postive and negative fashion the negative unfforntaly is the same thing that gets people all up and arms about the things I say instead of reading into the fact I'm being very spefic on my target. It's not DR Rick its those like him. It just so happens I can directly address him up until today.

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Because he feels very strongly about them and feels they should be taught IE Creationism.


They reason I attack him is because I hope to show him that he may not be right and that he should not expect laws and things to be built around his beliefs.


As much as some people hate to hear it the usa is not a christian nation. Religious freedom includes having no religion at all. But to many times in schools and laws that is not represented.


Basicly I see him as the only person of that though process I can actually question challenge and communicate with. Now he's got me on ignore so thats no longer the case.


The problem here is honestly if you attack 1 sect of christianity which i will openly admit I am all christians take offense. I have no intetion to insult all christians . I'm very specfic on the target here but people don't see that.



Here are things I feel christanity does GOOD.


1. It gives people hope

2. It teaches people to forgive

3. It promote charity

4. It does have some good parables


I do feel religion in itself is not a bad things. ITs the extermeists that take it to far.


I don't want to insult all christians I want to challange some of them to think about there extremely word for word beliefs.



Like I've said This is not a attack on christianity.


Whats saddening is if we took the 6k christians renamed them to say Scientologists or maybe Muslims or anything else changed some of the names so it would not match the standard christian bible more people would agree with what I'm saying.


There is a stigma around christinainy in a postive and negative fashion the negative unfforntaly is the same thing that gets people all up and arms about the things I say instead of reading into the fact I'm being very spefic on my target. It's not DR Rick its those like him. It just so happens I can directly address him up until today.



Your constant harassment is just that. You will not change him, just as he will not change you. Whay can you just let other's believe what they want? If he wants to believe in the Bible.... good for him. If you don't want to believe in the Bible.... good for you. Why attack him?


It seems to me, that YOU are the one being closed minded.





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My mother and siblings are all 6k Christians (two of whom are pastors at their own churches) to the core. We have great thanksgiving conversations, and I respect them for their beliefs even if I fundamentally disagree.


Thorne, I don't think anyone here is saying that you are out of line for having your opinion, but not everyone has to agree with you. You are allowing yourself to be viewed in a bully-ish manner, which is no better than the bully-ish Christian, Muslim, whomever, when they try to tell you that you are wrong about believing *whatever*. You're simply coming across too eager, and a little hamfisted at that, to attack without first feeling out the general reactions to a particular topic, and adjusting the volume accordingly.


In Thornes defense, plenty of "pro-christian"(which is a hopelessly redundant term in the united states) topics/posts get tossed around, with whomever's agendas or biases (not me of course, I'm perfect) littered in the text of even the most innocuous subjects. Thats what happens in a forum, so the next time you're annoyed that Thorne started yet another anti-christian topic, take my advice. Just don't click. Or do what Rick did, lol. You'll be Thorne free.

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There is nothing insecure about me having a distaste about this kinda of stuff.


Are you insecure? Why don't you follow the Muslim faith. There book also claims to be the truth. There are more Muslims in the world .


Or Scientology.


Every faith out there believes they are the right one, Again I don't have a problem with that. I just think laws should not be made or people should not defend a guy just because he had the christian tag.


BTW Dr rick your a model christian I'm happy you feel questiong the size of my penor is the way to go. How about you address the verses of the bible I posted.


I'm willing to defend my position are you?

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I posted this in a forum I had created. You don't have to go into my area or click my thread or post a reply. Dr Rick started to engage me and I just possed a question which he was affraid to question. I even offered to sit down face to face with him and his pastor to address my concerns.






If you believe in the bible and you have faith in it.

I give you respect.


But if you want to claim its science then you need to defend your belief since you posing it as science.


Last time I sat down with a pastor to talk to them they just ended up telling me they would have to read about it and get back with me and that i should pray about it.


OK, that's where you are wrong your forum or not we as Mods still need to look over all the threads.


secondly what gives you the right to question what someone believes in first off? I mean seriously. It's HIS belief not YOURS and you look more and more like a idiot trying to get him to answer your bible quotes and trying to argue with him. Just leave him to his own beliefs its not that hard to do.

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I don't question what someone believes, Rick has expressed his beliefs that are directly related to what I was attacking so I took him as my target. I have no way to directly question the new earthers so I used rick as my outlet.


If we took Religion and politics out of the picture I like rick, He's a nice guy when my back was screwed up he even offered to look at it for me. I will admit I may be unfairly attacking him. But he has been outspoken on his beliefs as have I .


I expected him to defend his position as I'm prepared to defend mine.

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My mother and siblings are all 6k Christians (two of whom are pastors at their own churches) to the core. We have great thanksgiving conversations, and I respect them for their beliefs even if I fundamentally disagree.


Thorne, I don't think anyone here is saying that you are out of line for having your opinion, but not everyone has to agree with you. You are allowing yourself to be viewed in a bully-ish manner, which is no better than the bully-ish Christian, Muslim, whomever, when they try to tell you that you are wrong about believing *whatever*. You're simply coming across too eager, and a little hamfisted at that, to attack without first feeling out the general reactions to a particular topic, and adjusting the volume accordingly.


In Thornes defense, plenty of "pro-christian"(which is a hopelessly redundant term in the united states) topics/posts get tossed around, with whomever's agendas or biases (not me of course, I'm perfect) littered in the text of even the most innocuous subjects. Thats what happens in a forum, so the next time you're annoyed that Thorne started yet another anti-christian topic, take my advice. Just don't click. Or do what Rick did, lol. You'll be Thorne free.


I think you took a very fair observation.

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OK Rick address the following or admit I'm right.


Occasionally God will require you to kill your daughter as a “burnt” human sacrifice to him.

Judges 11:31-39


Funny you started with 31. verse 30 states "And Jephthah made a vow to the LORD : "If you give the Ammonites into my hands..." The LORD didn't make him do anything, he choose to make that vow.


Just in case you want to sell your daughter as a sex slave, God teaches us the proper procedure.

Exodus 21:7


This verse was not written or spoken by the LORD. This verse is referring to hebrew slaves and how they should be treated. This verse is actually protecting the female slave. Is slavery wrong, yes, but in this time and culture it was customary.


If your home is ever attacked by an angry drunken mob, offer your daughter to them to take turns repeatedly raping her until she is dead. This is necessary to save yourself and other guests of your home. If that doesn’t work, offer them a concubine instead.

Judges 19:22-29


Again, not the words of the LORD. A man offered this, a sick man at that. By the way, the woman was unfaithful to start with.


If your daughter is disobedient or dishonors you, stone her to death.

Exodus 21:17, Deuteronomy 21:20-21, Leviticus 20:9, Matthew 15:3-4, Mark 7:9-13


These are rules set by the culture not by the LORD. Matthew, however is spoken by Jesus. Take it literally or don't, its your choice. I personally don't. If you do you make a good point. I think its good teaching, the punishment is far fetched but if that was the fear of all our children this world would be a much better place.


If your daughter is engaged to be married and is raped, take her to the gate of the city and stone her to death. She must die because she didn’t scream loud enough for help. This is proof she enjoyed being raped.

Deuteronomy 22:23-24


Again, laws of the culture. I "think" its referring to if a man and a engaged woman meet and screw they "should" be stoned. the screaming statment is saying that she wanted it and wasn't trying to refuse. They deserve to be stoned if they are screwing around. Again, you are taking everything literally. How many times have you said to someone "I am going to kill you?" wether is be racing or joking with a friend. you don't take that litterally do you?



Now if your going to DEFEND your 6000 year creationist complete and utter garbage defend the verses above.


Don't give me that Jesus made it all better. So god's infallible but he kills those and treats women as second rate people.


Jesus did make it better, perfect no, there is still sin. Just because someone is acting on what they proclaim God told them to do dosen't mean it is. we still deal with this today.


You can't pick and choose your bible. Address it all or Shut the fuck up and stop pushing your BULL SHIT on kids. Its child abuse to push a child to follow the bible. Its full of garabage.


I can pick and chose as I wish, just like you do. Why don't you quote the good verses of the bible? If everyone followed the 10 comandments, this world would be a much better place. you can't argue that. Its only BS to you, thats your opnion not everyones. its hardly child abuse to give them options especially when it can't hurt their lives.


Lets go with a few.


Eve seduces her son who killed his brother.

Thats not the only incest. Lets talk about the daughters who get there dad drunk and have incestial sex.


Blame satan, not God.


I have no problems with Christians I have problems with Christians who think there way is so high and mighty because the bible says it so. Well if your going to say that then you have to address the other parts.


Again, a person can address what they choose.


Ya know the parts you don't hear about and you only know if you've read the word yourself.


Don't give me the jesus blah blah crap. If that's the case then the 10 commandments are no longer valid.


If gods perfect why do you not follow his rules from his book to a T ?


Because the Bible is written by humans, who were trying to interpret what God was telling them. Flaws? absolutely. Take for what it is, believe what you want.


I bet anything you will call me some name or say I'm stupid and will not address my concerns.


There I addressed them from my perspective. Right or wrong, I have no clue. But there you go. I just get sick of you attacking everyone on here that has a belief thats not yours. Take it as it is.



I am NOT here to argue with you any further, I am NOT going to have a debate or discussion with you. I replied to all your verses. I am not going to reply to more (I know there are many more). you are someone who these discussions are pointless will not go anywhere. Good luck in your search for whatever it is your looking for.



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99ta I want to start with , I give you the most respect out of anyone in this thread. You addressed each of my questions. By the way you answered them I'm assuming your a level headed christian with good means.


As I'm not here to argue your faith as you have exactly that Faith. Dr Rick feels the bible is literal.


Also "GOD" stopped a sacrfice prevouslly. I will say I think its messed up of a supreme power to even accept or request something like that.


Based on your responses again like I said you have faith and not once did you try and make it into science.


There are LOTS of good things in the bible.

You seem to do what people need to do read and learn what the truth means to you.


I'm not here attacking your beliefs. I do appreciate you answers. though I disagree with some of them but in a non literal sense they are perfectly acceptable.


You used the bible as it should be used. To read and learn from the stories as parables. There are those who take the bible literal and its in fallable. My argument to them is as stands. But again thank you for the reply.

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Though I do feel that teaching children creationism as science is child abuse.


I think honestly I should be more accurate on what I hate. Creationist with strict interputations.


When I was a christian I always took gensis as a Macro view of how things happened. Since in the bible it states that time for god is not the same us for man. 1 day could be a billion years.


I always believed he used evolution and made things happen like that. Almost like a game of sim city I know its korny but its how I could hang with the christian faith . Then I was pushed into learning more for myself and I walked away..



I think its very safe to SAY .


No one knows the answers. People think they know the answer but sadly the answers they have are from there interutpations nothing more. As you proved with your responses . 2 people can read the same thing and mean diffrent things to them

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Though I do feel that teaching children creationism as science is child abuse.


Child abuse is stretching it. Abuse would mean they are being hurt. How is teaching someone another option hurting them? A false teaching would be wrong yes, but I think every child should hear the story. Its there choice to believe it or not.

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When I was a christian I always took gensis as a Macro view of how things happened. Since in the bible it states that time for god is not the same us for man. 1 day could be a billion years.


I agree with this completely. My mom is very very Catholic, as you know, and she has always said that a lifetime for us is like a blink of an eye for God. I have always had a similar view that evolution and the Genesis story don't necessarily need to conflict. I can't wait to see what kind of developments we have in quantum physics over the next few decades. I feel like quantum physics will allow us to answer a lot of questions, and people on the far end of both sides may see that they were not too far apart.

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Child abuse is stretching it. Abuse would mean they are being hurt.



I'd say if they burn crosses into your arms, it could qualify as abuse LOL. Though just teaching that creationism is a belief a lot of people have (not teaching a specific religion), and going over the basics mono/poly-theism, deism, and yes atheism could be appropriate in the right context.

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well, I agree burning a cross into childs arm is abuse. Although, I highly doubt that happened. Teaching creationism is school is not child abuse.....


No more abuse than teaching kids the came from a bang and their cousin was pond scum, their brother swung from a tree. And we wonder why kids act like animals when we teach them the are one.

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Why, if he burned crosses into arms, was he not arrested immediately?


Why is Thorne allowed to post as if he has any real information upon which to base an opinion?


Why is Thorne allowed to attack others beliefs nonstop without repercussions? I thought we were stopping with that stuff?


Why have people stopped listening to sound reasoning?


Why does no one understand that science cannot explain what the bible attempts to? This is the basis of faith, any kind. Be that faith in science, God, flying spaghetti monsters, etc...

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not sure if he did it or not, but maybe karma came back to bite him with all the bs he stirs up out at the FOX HOLE ( strip club for those that dont kno)and all the health clinics and the fresh h2o has to be shady hanging out with the Erwins...... one is in jail right now for whole line of shit and other is a sexual predator, i guess read all the local forums and you will get the point.....
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well, I agree burning a cross into childs arm is abuse. Although, I highly doubt that happened. Teaching creationism is school is not child abuse.....


creationism should be taught at church. thats where they should hear the story just my belief but I agree to disagree =)

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No, not enough proof. I can post a picture of a decapitated guy and claim that you did it.


Where did he admit to doing it? If he did, why is he not in jail?

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Freshwater used a science tool known as a high-frequency generator to burn images of a cross on students' arms in December, the report said. Freshwater told investigators he simply was trying to demonstrate the device on several students and described the images as an "X," not a cross. But pictures show the images depict a cross, the report said.
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