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whack nut job sueing school board


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Still not completely buying it. Poorly written articles don't really sway my opinion.


If he burned crosses on students arms, why is he not in jail? Why was he not charged with something? This doesn't add up.

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Still not completely buying it. Poorly written articles don't really sway my opinion.


If he burned crosses on students arms, why is he not in jail? Why was he not charged with something? This doesn't add up.


The burden of proof is much lower in civil court, that is why he was never charged. The parents don't have to prove as much that way.


Think about this. He was using that same equipment for years with student teaching about electricity. If this was a problem harming kids why did they let him continue for years? Why are thousands of other teachers using the same equipment in their classrooms?


This boils down to small town politics and people on the left like thorne that was to impose their views on everyone. If you don't agree with people like this, they will be very vengeful.

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The burden of proof is much lower in civil court, that is why he was never charged. The parents don't have to prove as much that way.


Think about this. He was using that same equipment for years with student teaching about electricity. If this was a problem harming kids why did they let him continue for years? Why are thousands of other teachers using the same equipment in their classrooms?


This boils down to small town politics and people on the left like thorne that was to impose their views on everyone. If you don't agree with people like this, they will be very vengeful.




This thread was derailed in the first post.


The facts remain, obviously he was teaching religious ideals in the classroom, this is even admitted in the lawsuit. It is obvious that it is not only withheld from the curriculum he is supposed to teach, but specifically forbidden. Is this violation of rules enough to legitimately dismiss him from his job?




This section is interesting since it states that an investigation was performed, and that an action was taken as the result of the investigation.


The fact is, this man *may* have violated the terms of his employment, and was fired for doing so. If that is truly the case, then he has no ground upon which to stand in this case.


Thorne, I disagree that science teachers should be atheists. We all have the right to believe what we would like to believe, and this man can try and preach to my kids all he wants, as the constitution allows for free speech and freedom of religion. He just can't do it in a school that employs him.

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Ok let me repeat this one more fucking time for you all.




Thank you carry on



The burden of proof is much lower in civil court, that is why he was never charged. The parents don't have to prove as much that way.


Think about this. He was using that same equipment for years with student teaching about electricity. If this was a problem harming kids why did they let him continue for years? Why are thousands of other teachers using the same equipment in their classrooms?


This boils down to small town politics and people on the left like thorne that was to impose their views on everyone. If you don't agree with people like this, they will be very vengeful.

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I'm happy to know even in a ignored fashion I'm still able to provoke rick. at this point it's become down right fun.


Its easy.


Point out obvious things to him, Watch him blame the left or call me intolerant or say im enforcing my views.


No, Your RIGHT wing views get more laws then my views. Your the ones that want PRAYER IN SCHOOLS. and other bull shit laws based on your religion vs just general law or legal issues.




So maybe you should sit down take your head out of your ass for a second in see I'm propsing FREE THOUGHT. Your propsing your views are the only possible answer.


I claim to not know

you claim to know with out a doubt.


Which one of us is admitting the truth . ME

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Why can't we just teach every major religion in school as an elective and allow the student to decide what course if any to take? Oh that is right they made silly laws against this. It is ironic our nations history and money says "In God we trust". Please...
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Wow speak of the devil (sort of). I just opened a Chinese fortune cookie I got from lunch and it said " You have an ability to sense and know higher truth."


Sounds like God talk to me. I like plz send moar to me.

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Ok let me repeat this one more fucking time for you all.




Thank you carry on


No, it was not in the Dispatch (assuming you're talking about the branding). You can't even remember which "source" you're using for your mindless arguments.

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No, it was not in the Dispatch (assuming you're talking about the branding). You can't even remember which "source" you're using for your mindless arguments.


Thorne hitting that pipe again?

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You know something, Thorne?


You say you hate when people push their beliefs on everyone else, including you, but you're doing the same thing in return.


Nobody cares how you feel about creationism/evolution as much as you care about hearing their views... Take it into consideration and stop being so provoking on this issue.


I'm probably just as much Agnostic as you, but damned if I feel it's my place to tell everyone what or why they should believe this or that.


Who gives a fuck if the guy put an X or even a cross on a kids arm. What it really comes down to is the fact that he's being accused of abusing his students... Don't look into it any further than that.

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This thread has been great. I cant see anything thorne post. I should have done "ignored" him a while back.


I'm about to call and bribe anthony to unignore me so i can pester you further.





TE7 your right, The reason I've become to militant about it is the shit I'm seeing happen down south and stuff. I just hate to see america pushed into a direction that I feel is a fundamental step backwards.


This guy was a good example of the type of shit I can't stand. Though I rant about these things I did not force anyone to click this thread . I never PM'd anyone with my propaganda per say.





I've only recently came to terms with myself and my wife who also had the same realization is that we did not accept the christian faith as the answer and that we both feel the answer is not comprehensible but science has some great exmaplantions that can be tested. What's funny is my wife said it was a weight lifted from her chest. She did not have to worry about the boggey man in the sky.


We both had been brought up to believe and always shunned for asking some of the questions which I posed in this thread. Her upbringing was WAY more strict biblcaly then mine but we both did feel we were told to believe with out true explanation.


So many people I meet claim they are Christians, YET they don't goto church, They don't know the bible., They could not even name the gospels. But they still claim christian and would tell you to not use gods name in vein if you said JESUS CHRIST. The funny part is reading the bible is what turned me into a non follower.


I find it sad the same people who make fun of Scientology for its goofy shit don't see the problem with the talking snake and other stuff. But again like I said to many poeple are not truly christians in the sense.



Dr rick with his beliefs and such even though I 100% disagree with them, He means well. I feel who truly does believe what he follows and does his best in his own way to be what he invisions a good christian as.


Though I've provoked the NOT SO WWJD side out of him also IE question the size of my man hood. I found that one pretty ammusing to be dead honest.


What would Jesus do ?

Question the size of a mans Penis? ......



So I'll stop creating threads like this one, BUT If one gets started it's fair game.


So I'm done, I'll respond to this thread in a postive fashion but I will not impose my belief system further.



TA99 is by far the coolest guy in this thread. He had the balls to actually answer my questions with though out answers. Allot of people won't hang there fiath or there way of believing out there because it can cause them to be ridculed.


So Blah long winded. I just though about this thread allot today and the reasoning why it had become a facination for me.


I do feel there needs to be a Agnostic / Athiests Anonymous in a sense because there are lots of people out there who wear the christians banner but are not and are affarid to openly admit it.


I know when I have dinner with my wifes parents I bow my head out of respect and say grace . I do this out of respect for her parents as they are good people.




ok long response. Hopefully rick some how sees this post because I think he deserves to know the whole story and relize he was a outlet for me because it was easy to draw him into shit.

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ok long response. Hopefully rick some how sees this post because I think he deserves to know the whole story and relize he was a outlet for me because it was easy to draw him into shit.


What I don't understand is WHY?


Mommy not give you enough attention as a baby?


The Misses not giving it up?


Jesus Fucking Christ...... leave him (and anyone else w/ the same beliefs, or beliefs that are different than you) alone and just mind your own damn business.



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TE7 your right, The reason I've become to militant about it is the shit I'm seeing happen down south and stuff. I just hate to see america pushed into a direction that I feel is a fundamental step backwards.


Now you've gone to a new level, historical inaccuracy.


Seriously, no matter what I believe I would never push it the way you do. You come across like an uneducated prick. You ironically cannot stand not having the answers to something. It's really just sad to see the mindless shit that you have said in here.

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Now you've gone to a new level, historical inaccuracy.


Seriously, no matter what I believe I would never push it the way you do. You come across like an uneducated prick. You ironically cannot stand not having the answers to something. It's really just sad to see the mindless shit that you have said in here.



I don't see why posing questions is mindless. But ok.

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I don't see why posing questions is mindless. But ok.


I don't give a shit about some of your questions. Maybe you should read what you said. Most of what you say is not "posing questions".


You seriously act like a bully when it comes to this topic, same as Dr. Rick. Actually, he is less guilty of that than you. The fact that you can't see any of this just makes it even more mindless.


If you go out and do some real research and formulate some informed opinions upon which you wish to debate, I will have someone ready to debate you. Keep it civil and respectful, this person is very professional. If you think you can hold your own civilly and intelligently, let me know.

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I don't give a shit about some of your questions. Maybe you should read what you said. Most of what you say is not "posing questions".


You seriously act like a bully when it comes to this topic, same as Dr. Rick. Actually, he is less guilty of that than you. The fact that you can't see any of this just makes it even more mindless.


If you go out and do some real research and formulate some informed opinions upon which you wish to debate, I will have someone ready to debate you. Keep it civil and respectful, this person is very professional. If you think you can hold your own civilly and intelligently, let me know.


don't bother, my best friend in h/s and college was a thiest. a debate is completely pointless. they are set in their decision. A relationship with Jesus is based on faith, faith is something an athiest has already ruled out.

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You know, as big a douchebag as Thorne is, I agree with him completely when it comes to Dr. Rick and creationism in schools.

Rick CLAIMS to be a doctor, a man who treats the maladies and diseases of the human body, yet he rejects all scientific evidence of how that body evolved. The very knowledge he rejects, absolutely and without reservation, has brought greater understanding of the diseases and maladies that affect the people he treats.

If he refuses to accept evolution, then he must perforce reject germ theory as well, as the two are inextricably bound. Where's your license now, MR. Rick?


As for creationism(note the lack of capitalization...), it is a religious belief, completely and totally unsupported by any scientific data. The only place it should have in school is the same brief mention that Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism get in social studies. Or maybe in literature alongside the Cult of Cthulhu. It certainly has no more bearing on reality than the Elder Gods did.

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