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WTB Furniture


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Hey guys, I am moving this weekend and I need some cheap furniture if anybody has any that they want to get rid of. I am looking for a couch, a recliner, tables, etc... I am not looking to spend a lot of money so let me know if you have something cheap. Thanks :)
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I have a long sofa couch looks like its from the 8o's lol... but clean always had plastic on it till this year... I have a blue cover on it now and it looks fine... make an offer...


I don't really know what to offer, I don't want to low ball you. I guess I'll ask around tonight and see what I come up with. I really don't have a lot of money to spend, but on the other hand it would be nice to have somewhere to sit...

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I would have furnished your entire house two months ago for a few hundred dollars lol. Instead it ended up in the dumpster. I got a tall house lamp I could let go for like $20 if that intrests you at all. If not GL!
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