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$3 and some change to spend..


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You have only $3 and some change to spend at your favorite late night food spot.. what do you buy?





I just went to Taco bell and took 15 minutes in front of the board to contemplate what was going to be my best value for the $3 that I had laying around. Ended up buying a Grilled Chicken Soft Taco, Chili Cheese Burrito, and a Regular Soft Taco... total of $3.27


During work when i try and eat healthy: 3.00 and change


Wendy's Chili

Side Salad (i used red wine vinegar at the office)

Grilled Chicken go wrap




Late night: 3.xx (depending on my hunger)

Taco Bell grilled chicken burrito x2

Taco Bell grilled chicken taco


sometimes i'll switch something out for a cheesy double beef burrito, that is quite filling and it's only 89 cents i believe. In-fact, two cheesy double beef burritos is more than enough food and i'm a big guy!

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1 Crispy Chicken sandwhich


I'll tell you what man, ask for it (if you like toppings) with pickles and onion on that sandwich, mayeb even add tomato , they don't charge you for the extra toppings and it takes that sandwich from a 7 to a 9.

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