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when I was younger my temper was horrible. I use to get mad and try to stab my brother with the kitchen knife but luckily he was faster than me. As I got older I was able to control it but since I started at chase it seems it actually got worst. I find myself having no patience and I tend to lash out on everyone and feel bad about it afterwards.
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I've calmed down a lot. It used to be daily meltdowns, with no concern as to what happened when I was younger. Now it seems to be only on occasion, like others may have mentioned, it flaired up a lot when I was in a shitty relationship with this female. It didn't end well for either one of us, but now that I finished with her, I've had a lot less drama.
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+100 to the having kids comment. Preface any thoughts when you are angry and about to do something wrong by thinking about whether or not you want to be around for your kid(s).


One thing I don't get is a lot of the posts here from folks that start off "I'm an easy going guy but.." A temper is a temper, whether you repress it until something blows up (trivial or not) or you lose your bearing in otherwise stressful situations.


When you feel like really going off on someone - practice taking a just 2-3 seconds before speaking, being deliberate but firm in your communication. There just are very few things in this world that are worth really going off on someone -but in all cases, losing your cool equates to losing your argument and your position of empowerment. It takes a strong man to conduct restraint rather than one who acts totally on impulse.

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